Is it easy to out rank YouTube videos???

by lroyal
6 replies
  • SEO
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Hi Guys

Im new to this forum as you can see.

I have been playing around with affiliate marketing for a few years on and off and have never made any decent money. I recently had a look at google sniper 2.0 2014 and found some new inspiration.

I really need your expert advice on the following....

How easy is it to out rank youtube videos and other sites such as ehow and wikihow..?

Is affiliate marketing "dead" in this way..? i.e find a keyword with low competition,create a site focused on that keyword offering a affiliate product.

Is it realistic to set a goal of creating 10 affiliate sites in the next 3 month earning me a commission of $1000 per a month

I would be very grateful for anyones input here

#easy #rank #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author jross07
    everything you mentioned is possible.

    I've personally never tried to outrank a youtube video, but there's a bunch of youtube courses out there that can help you with that, just search the WSO section.

    Generaly, you want to make sure you've got a good link profile to compete with anything video/website out there for your keyword. The competition for your word has an impact as well, low keywords will get you results.

    Affiliate marketing is not dead.

    10 affiliate sites is realistic, make sure you understand how much you're going to be investing in each one (domain, hosting, content creation if you're outsourcing, time, backlinking)

    Then consider how you're driving traffic to the site (PPC, PPV, Search engine traffic, blogging, etc..)

    Internet enthusiast, learning every day!

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    • Profile picture of the author lroyal
      Originally Posted by jross07 View Post

      everything you mentioned is possible.

      I've personally never tried to outrank a youtube video, but there's a bunch of youtube courses out there that can help you with that, just search the WSO section.

      Generaly, you want to make sure you've got a good link profile to compete with anything video/website out there for your keyword. The competition for your word has an impact as well, low keywords will get you results.

      Affiliate marketing is not dead.

      10 affiliate sites is realistic, make sure you understand how much you're going to be investing in each one (domain, hosting, content creation if you're outsourcing, time, backlinking)

      Then consider how you're driving traffic to the site (PPC, PPV, Search engine traffic, blogging, etc..)
      Hi thanks for your reply;

      Simply put I know how to create attractive Wordepress websites.

      I plan to target keywords with a decent amount of traffic and relatively low competition i.e. less than 60,000.

      I plan on outsourcing the content creation for each site, hopefully this enough to get my site to rank. Initially I don't plan on incorporating a back-linking strategy. However if I deem finically viable I will outsource it.

      As I say I have been out the game for a while so I am just learning how to do all the keyword research again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamza SMaRtGUy
    I believe Affiliate Marketing is not dead, as I am already earning good amount. I have little bit experience with ranking and outranking YouTube videos. There are lot of factors to notice before starting your campaign against any YouTube video ranking on Google or at least in the YouTube search engine.

    As mentioned above, everything is pretty possible. You need good tools, a healthy strategy, good content and you are good to outrank other's YouTube videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Well no, affiliate marketing is not even close to 'dead'.

    If an idiot like me can pull $195 / day the first day of August, as stupid as I am, then you can certainly do it. And that doesn't even include earnings from my local lead gen sites (which have dropped lately but I'm still managing a full time income).

    The problem is, these past 3 months SEO has become very confusing. It just isn't as consistent or predictable as it use to be. Which doesn't mean you can't make money as an affiliate, it just means you need to read forums LESS and do your own testing MORE.

    Because literally as I write this, Google is planning to release some new update and it's happening over and over and over. I'd say like 90% of people on this forum just read and socialize, and do very little actual work. 90% of people on WF are "consumers" and not "producers". So you always have to make sure that you're producing more than you consume. That means read forums as little as possible and use that free time to WORK WORK WORK.

    Some people make affiliate marketing much more difficult than it needs to be. But tbo, you don't really need to be an expert at anything to make money with Clickbank.

    I have 1 youtube channel I created about 2 years ago. It has 17 videos on it, all for the same niche. All the videos are high quality. I don't do ANY direct selling in the videos like "click this link" or "go check out this product". In fact, in every video I just speak 1 introductory sentence. They go like, "I've been using xxx program for xxx weeks now, this is my latest piece of work, let me know what you guys think about it".

    What SELLS people is the WORK. People see the work I did and think "damn, that's really good, I need to know WHAT PROGRAM he used to do that with". So they find my affiliate links on their own. And youtube seems to love that channel. I have some videos with 250,000 views now. My WORST video has **5** dislikes. Most my videos only have 2-3 dislikes on average. And these video have been up for a couple years now. All 17 rank in the top 5 of youtube. My main video ranks #1 for the most competitive keyword in this niche (both on youtube AND google).

    They have stood the test of time because they are HIGH QUALITY.

    Because the work I did is far ABOVE AVERAGE.

    Because I gave traffic EXACTLY what they're looking for.

    And that's the same thing you should do. A lot of affiliates refuse to even buy the products they're promoting. They refuse to spend weeks learning certain programs. But I always buy whatever I promote. I always put A LOT of time into my content. You have to be willing to do the things that most affiliates don't do, to make the money most affiliates don't make. It's really that simple.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jackie0433
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Well no, affiliate marketing is not even close to 'dead'.

      If an idiot like me can pull $195 / day the first day of August, as stupid as I am, then you can certainly do it. And that doesn't even include earnings from my local lead gen sites (which have dropped lately but I'm still managing a full time income).

      The problem is, these past 3 months SEO has become very confusing. It just isn't as consistent or predictable as it use to be. Which doesn't mean you can't make money as an affiliate, it just means you need to read forums LESS and do your own testing MORE.

      Because literally as I write this, Google is planning to release some new update and it's happening over and over and over. I'd say like 90% of people on this forum just read and socialize, and do very little actual work. 90% of people on WF are "consumers" and not "producers". So you always have to make sure that you're producing more than you consume. That means read forums as little as possible and use that free time to WORK WORK WORK.

      Some people make affiliate marketing much more difficult than it needs to be. But tbo, you don't really need to be an expert at anything to make money with Clickbank.

      I have 1 youtube channel I created about 2 years ago. It has 17 videos on it, all for the same niche. All the videos are high quality. I don't do ANY direct selling in the videos like "click this link" or "go check out this product". In fact, in every video I just speak 1 introductory sentence. They go like, "I've been using xxx program for xxx weeks now, this is my latest piece of work, let me know what you guys think about it".

      What SELLS people is the WORK. People see the work I did and think "damn, that's really good, I need to know WHAT PROGRAM he used to do that with". So they find my affiliate links on their own. And youtube seems to love that channel. I have some videos with 250,000 views now. My WORST video has **5** dislikes. Most my videos only have 2-3 dislikes on average. And these video have been up for a couple years now. All 17 rank in the top 5 of Google. My main video ranks #1 for the most competitive keyword in this niche.

      They have stood the test of time because they are HIGH QUALITY.

      Because the work I did is far ABOVE AVERAGE.

      Because I give traffic EXACTLY what they're looking for.

      And that's the same thing you should do. A lot of affiliates refuse to even buy the products they're promoting. They refuse to spend weeks learning certain programs. But I always buy whatever I promote. I always put A LOT of time into my content. You have to be willing to do the things that most affiliates don't do, to make the money most affiliates don't make. It's really that simple.

      I totally agree. As of right now you should be doing a lot more testing then asking people on WF because most of them either don't know or going to give you advice that you can't use. Rinse & repeat is all that I can tell ya.
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    • Profile picture of the author lroyal
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Well no, affiliate marketing is not even close to 'dead'.

      If an idiot like me can pull $195 / day the first day of August, as stupid as I am, then you can certainly do it. And that doesn't even include earnings from my local lead gen sites (which have dropped lately but I'm still managing a full time income).

      The problem is, these past 3 months SEO has become very confusing. It just isn't as consistent or predictable as it use to be. Which doesn't mean you can't make money as an affiliate, it just means you need to read forums LESS and do your own testing MORE.

      Because literally as I write this, Google is planning to release some new update and it's happening over and over and over. I'd say like 90% of people on this forum just read and socialize, and do very little actual work. 90% of people on WF are "consumers" and not "producers". So you always have to make sure that you're producing more than you consume. That means read forums as little as possible and use that free time to WORK WORK WORK.

      Some people make affiliate marketing much more difficult than it needs to be. But tbo, you don't really need to be an expert at anything to make money with Clickbank.

      I have 1 youtube channel I created about 2 years ago. It has 17 videos on it, all for the same niche. All the videos are high quality. I don't do ANY direct selling in the videos like "click this link" or "go check out this product". In fact, in every video I just speak 1 introductory sentence. They go like, "I've been using xxx program for xxx weeks now, this is my latest piece of work, let me know what you guys think about it".

      What SELLS people is the WORK. People see the work I did and think "damn, that's really good, I need to know WHAT PROGRAM he used to do that with". So they find my affiliate links on their own. And youtube seems to love that channel. I have some videos with 250,000 views now. My WORST video has **5** dislikes. Most my videos only have 2-3 dislikes on average. And these video have been up for a couple years now. All 17 rank in the top 5 of youtube. My main video ranks #1 for the most competitive keyword in this niche (both on youtube AND google).

      They have stood the test of time because they are HIGH QUALITY.

      Because the work I did is far ABOVE AVERAGE.

      Because I gave traffic EXACTLY what they're looking for.

      And that's the same thing you should do. A lot of affiliates refuse to even buy the products they're promoting. They refuse to spend weeks learning certain programs. But I always buy whatever I promote. I always put A LOT of time into my content. You have to be willing to do the things that most affiliates don't do, to make the money most affiliates don't make. It's really that simple.

      Awesome post thanks a lot
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