Can a Localized Site Beat a national Brand?

by vivo
2 replies
  • SEO
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Hey, it's been a while since I have done some internet marketing (got burn out due to results), but I am back on the wagon. My question is this: if I am competing with a certain brand in my areas (let's say JC Penny), and the rest were random sites related to the topic. My site will be more focused on the localities, and I am working with a group of keywords with similar characteristics and creating sub domains based around certain shared words (like All of them have very few exact keyword competitors (under 10k for most of them) and very few of the sites do not have the keyowrds in their URL, anchor text, or in their title. Is it possible to compete with a name brand in a localized search?
#beat #brand #localized #localized site #national #national brand #site
  • Profile picture of the author stringerbell87
    I would need more specifics to give a better answer, but...I've beat national chains in local before.
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  • Profile picture of the author vivo
    Well for instance, would (taking the trademark issue out of commission) beat, which might have a little info on McDonalds of Detroit, but for the most part is based on the national chain, not the individual one. Would a site optimized for the Detroit one be more likely to succeed?
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