Do most high traffic websites get most of their traffic from search engines ?

28 replies
  • SEO
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I would like to get this right , I think I do but I wanna ask .. Do most websites with high traffic , starting with 13,000 visitors a day ... Do most of those visitors find the site through search engine ? I know social media is involved but the vast majority of the traffic is from Google right ?

Also , how doable is it to get to 13,000 visitors per day for a 2 year old sites with a very strong consistent SEO campaign ? 8 months ?
#engines #high #search #traffic #websites
  • Profile picture of the author Dr los3
    Haha, you make it sound so easy. Sounds all good on paper man. Have you ever reached 100 visitors a day? It is hard to say man, search engine traffic is just part of a pie. Do you type in facebook into google, or do you just go directly there.

    I would start with 10 visitors a day, then 20, then 100, and so on.
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    • Profile picture of the author biguseof
      Yes, that is right... I like that...

      Affiliate links aren't allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
    2 years old website, OK, are you consistently creating content from last 2 years?

    If your site has around 2000 quality articles, you can expect to get around 500 visitors/day....
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    • Profile picture of the author PBN301
      Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

      2 years old website, OK, are you consistently creating content from last 2 years?

      If your site has around 2000 quality articles, you can expect to get around 500 visitors/day....
      Where did you ever get this figure from?

      I had a site with less than 20 articles getting 400 visitors daily. 90+% of traffic was search engine.

      It has no direct relation to how many articles you have, it's where those pages are ranking in the Serps and for what keywords.

      If it took 2000 articles I would just go get a job

      5 site Private Blog Network available * PrivateBlogNetwork.Club

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9500924].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mase857
        Originally Posted by PBN301 View Post

        Where did you ever get this figure from?

        I had a site with less than 20 articles getting 400 visitors daily. 90+% of traffic was search engine.

        It has no direct relation to how many articles you have, it's where those pages are ranking in the Serps and for what keywords.

        If it took 2000 articles I would just go get a job
        EXACTLY ... looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about.
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      • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
        Originally Posted by PBN301 View Post

        Where did you ever get this figure from?

        I had a site with less than 20 articles getting 400 visitors daily. 90+% of traffic was search engine.

        It has no direct relation to how many articles you have, it's where those pages are ranking in the Serps and for what keywords.

        If it took 2000 articles I would just go get a job

        Can I see your site please.....

        What I have posted is an average figure... without doing off page SEO...

        If this was the case, then internet marketers won't be struggling too much.... just spend $50-80 to get 20 articles and start earning $10/daily...

        Theoretically, it is also possible to get thousands of visitors to your one-page website.... but it all depends on promotional efforts..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9502024].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PBN301
          Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post


          Can I see your site please.....

          What I have posted is an average figure... without doing off page SEO...

          If this was the case, then internet marketers won't be struggling too much.... just spend $50-80 to get 20 articles and start earning $10/daily...

          Theoretically, it is also possible to get thousands of visitors to your one-page website.... but it all depends on promotional efforts..
          Hell to the naw you can't see the site. His post mentioned an 8 month strong consistent SEO campaign so I don't know why you said "without doing off page SEO"

          Matter of fact if your experience is that your figures are true then it sounds like you need to let me see your site

          Your doing it wrong

          5 site Private Blog Network available * PrivateBlogNetwork.Club

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9511715].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
            Originally Posted by PBN301 View Post

            Hell to the naw you can't see the site. His post mentioned an 8 month strong consistent SEO campaign so I don't know why you said "without doing off page SEO"

            Matter of fact if your experience is that your figures are true then it sounds like you need to let me see your site

            Your doing it wrong
            Do the math, in 8 months, I can write 6400 articles....

            If one 2000 site is giving 500 visitors then I will be getting 1500 to 2000 visitors daily.... purely from search engine...

            So why to risk to do link building investing so much time and you get penalized one day.... Also, Google doesn't favor link building!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9511726].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author PBN301
              Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

              Do the math, in 8 months, I can write 6400 articles....

              If one 2000 site is giving 500 visitors then I will be getting 1500 to 2000 visitors daily.... purely from search engine...

              So why to risk to do link building investing so much time and you get penalized one day.... Also, Google doesn't favor link building!
              So your going to write 25 articles per day, every day for 8 months straight? Then I salute you homie, hat's off. There isn't much I can say as your techniques differ from mine. DRASTICALLY!

              Google doesn't have to favor link building but they do reward it. 100%

              5 site Private Blog Network available * PrivateBlogNetwork.Club

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              • Profile picture of the author kobyburne
                Yeah this is one of the important reason that most of the website get traffic because of the search engines,it is because that most keywords got promoted and thus they came to be high ranked website.
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              • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
                Originally Posted by PBN301 View Post

                Google doesn't have to favor link building but they do reward it. 100%
                Yes, Google rewards it, and sometimes, your years of efforts go into vain..
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                • Profile picture of the author PBN301
                  Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

                  Yes, Google rewards it, and sometimes, your years of efforts go into vain..
                  I don't spend years writing articles and hoping google will appreciate it. We are dealing with a constantly changing algorithm and I understand that. I'd rather spend my time focused on doing what we all know is effective.

                  A solid site with solid links

                  Google gon do what Google gon do.

                  5 site Private Blog Network available * PrivateBlogNetwork.Club

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9511971].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Elle Holder
        Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

        2 years old website, OK, are you consistently creating content from last 2 years?

        If your site has around 2000 quality articles, you can expect to get around 500 visitors/day....
        Originally Posted by PBN301 View Post

        Where did you ever get this figure from?

        I had a site with less than 20 articles getting 400 visitors daily. 90+% of traffic was search engine.

        It has no direct relation to how many articles you have, it's where those pages are ranking in the Serps and for what keywords.

        If it took 2000 articles I would just go get a job

        I have a site with 67 posts. I just checked last month's stats, and I averaged 958 visitors a day.

        OP, that site I mentioned is 7 years old, but I was getting this kind of traffic in the first year with only the very basics of on page SEO. I haven't touched it at all in about 4 years. I don't think anyone can give you absolutes of what to expect, but with quality SEO and good content behind you, you should be able to do very well.

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        • Profile picture of the author mase857
          Originally Posted by Elle Holder View Post


          I have a site with 67 posts. I just checked last month's stats, and I averaged 958 visitors a day.

          OP, that site I mentioned is 7 years old, but I was getting this kind of traffic in the first year with only the very basics of on page SEO. I haven't touched it at all in about 4 years. I don't think anyone can give you absolutes of what to expect, but with quality SEO and good content behind you, you should be able to do very well.
          wow , thanks for sharing ... were those 958 visitors a day from search engines ??
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          • Profile picture of the author Elle Holder
            Originally Posted by mase857 View Post

            wow , thanks for sharing ... were those 958 visitors a day from search engines ??
            Sorry for the late reply.

            Yes, that was from search engine traffic alone. And frankly, I didn't really know what I was doing when I started that site. Just some very basic, somewhat questionable SEO that I was picking up and discarding along the way. I didn't have the canonical set, so the site got hit for duplicate content about 4 years ago with one of the Google animals, but after fixing that and giving it some time, the site did come back.

            It's based on that that I said if you have quality SEO behind you, and all else is in your favor - good niche and so forth - some solid traffic should come your way.


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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    It's "doable" if you know what you're doing. There's a case study over at blackhatworld right now the guy is trying to reach 1 million searches a month.

    So far he's doing a pretty decent job -

    Antichrist's 1 Million Searches A Month Journey - Page 2

    Edit: You will need a BHW account to see the photo but his traffic just jumped from 343 clicks / day to 2,934 clicks / day and I think he will eventually reach his goal.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9500903].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mase857
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      It's "doable" if you know what you're doing. There's a case study over at blackhatworld right now the guy is trying to reach 1 million searches a month.

      So far he's doing a pretty decent job -

      Antichrist's 1 Million Searches A Month Journey - Page 2

      Edit: You will need a BHW account to see the photo but his traffic just jumped from 343 clicks / day to 2,934 clicks / day and I think he will eventually reach his goal.
      Thanks for sharing man , I'm going to take a look at it ..
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  • Profile picture of the author lovboa
    Unless you're doing paid ads, the only way to get to such a high visitor count is to mix up your traffic from a lot of different sources. That's why large blogs utilize all social media channels, email lists, and guest blogging. Every channel counts.

    Whether the majority comes from search engines, that will depend on your content and if there are any links going to the pages.

    You won't get to that number by throwing up a load of content and hoping for long tail traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I get 20 to 25k daily page views on one site. 4k of those page views is from organic search. The rest from:

    Facebook (organic reach and paid ads)
    YouTube (I have 90 videos with annotated links to my site)
    Stumbleupon (this source is up and down)
    My email newsletters
    Outbrain (paid source)

    I started this site in February 2014. I never would have gotten to these traffic levels without buying traffic which ramped up my social media very quickly. Organic search traffic started coming at the three month range and is growing very fast. The only backlinks I've create are social media links and submitting my site to two high quality website directories.

    I think most high traffic sites these days have diverse traffic sources and don't rely too much on organic search traffic.

    That's not to say I don't create posts with organic search in mind. Fifty % of my posts target longish tail keywords for organic search. The other fifty percent are created for social media attention. My organic search intended posts usually promote a product or products with affiliate links. My social media intended posts are monetized with display ads and funnel traffic to relevant posts promoting products.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author dbk03
    The most successful sites have visitors which just type-in the name of the site in the address bar. Less successful sites have trafic from search engines. There are some sites which receive traffic from social media, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    You should just use Google Analytics it records everything you need to know.
    Signature - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    I know a site that started out with paid ads just to brand their name. Over time, organic search surpassed paid, and referring traffic over time. As well as social media.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author SittinPerty
    Most Likely a Combination of Paid Traffic/ SMM / SEO. That could easily get that amount of visitors in one day. But it is Possible on SEO Alone. Just Need A lot of Quality Content!
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  • Profile picture of the author mariajames1
    Yeah definitely ! Most of the high ranking websites get high traffic from search engine because many of the their keywords at the top ranking ...
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  • Profile picture of the author tyler25
    A lot of traffic is from search engines for big sites but a lot of it is direct traffic. For example, a popular domain like, people just know about the site so they will go there directly.

    Also, people pay for traffic too.

    While it is possible to get 13,000 visitors a day from a site that is 2 years old, that would be quite difficult. It all depends on your niche and skills in SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author kj1010
    That kind of traffic requires getting ranked for at least dozens of keywords, LSI keywords, long tail etc. If you can afford inexpensive paid ads on Facebook or high quality solo ads that would be the fastest way to get those daily numbers. The time it takes to get those dozens of keywords ranked is costing you in time, which is worth money.
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  • Profile picture of the author serpyre
    It comes down to this - They generate 25-30 organic visitors per $1 of spend (small business is single digits) - they have high PPC budgets - they have breadth and depth to their site and product lineup. Basically they balance the traffic across all sales funnels.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffEngineer
    High traffic websites have a solid social media strategy as well as being weary of Google Organic results. Combing both. Have a facebook/twitter account that you post regularly on and direct people to SEO friendly articles that will rank well in time.
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