Keyword SpyGlass - columns?

by 4 replies
I Have the software but who can explain to me the meaning of the columns?

What is COMP?
Whay is REAL?
What is CS?

Thanks All!
#search engine optimization #columns #keyword #spyglass
  • It looks like COMP is the number of search results in Google's index for that search term. Totally irrelevant to the level of competition.

    I'm guessing REAL is the number of search results when you search in quotes. Also totally irrelevant.

    I have no idea what CS is.

    That tool looks like junk.
    • [1] reply

    • Looks like it went out with the Ark too, I quote...

      "The software combines the latest technology in SEO and some smart keyword research tricks. Thus your site will dominate the search engine with no hassle"

      CS = "Competition strength"

      Can it do a meaningful backlink analysis to a site? If not, it's useless.
  • I use free software that gives me much more information than that. You obviously need to know what you are looking for when looking at these software, but from the screen shot you have shown, that is not a really good analysis of a keyword.
    • [1] reply
    • what is the name of your software?

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