Forum: Social Media
30th May 2016, 04:01 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 297 |
Forum: Social Media
27th May 2016, 04:53 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 334 Re: Growing niche site facebook page
The type of likes or followership will go along way in affecting the success of your fanpage.
If you just want want likes to make your page popular, you may want to go the fiverr route but at your...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
25th May 2016, 02:17 AM
Replies: 90
Views: 3,027 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
20th May 2016, 12:53 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 386 Re: Help please: Domain?, SOLO ADS?
Just to add to what others have said, the domain and subdomain will serve as your landing page where the soload traffic will be directed to.
If I am not mistaken, the product you intend promoting...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization
19th May 2016, 03:11 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 210 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
19th May 2016, 03:00 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 310 |
Forum: Social Media
18th May 2016, 03:29 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 448 Re: Facebook Group
The reach is in group is far better than the Fan page. One thing you need to know is that not all the group members will see the post for different reasons as mentioned above. The way to go about is...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization
18th May 2016, 03:08 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 238 |
Forum: Social Media
18th May 2016, 08:19 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 278 |
Forum: Social Media
17th May 2016, 03:55 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 305 Re: questopn in facebook ads
In running ads on facebook, you have the option of using your facebook fan page as the landing page for your ad and you can also direct your visitor on a landing page outside facebook. Depending on...
Forum: Email Marketing
15th May 2016, 09:30 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 537 Re: were to get descent lead magnet
Are you referring to a Lead Magnet or a Sales funnel because you mentioned two different things in your post. The lead magnet is what you give in exchange for the visitors email and it is part...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
11th May 2016, 10:33 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 426 |
Forum: Pay Per Click/Search Engine Marketing (PPC/SEM)
11th May 2016, 03:31 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 1,721 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
6th May 2016, 02:51 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 141 Re: wordpress plugin to add new writer and source
I honestly do not know if any plugin does that. Some things that could be manually done should be done manually and strive to reduce the amount of plugins on your site as much as possible.
I run a...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
5th May 2016, 02:42 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 196 Re: Video Marketing... how to do it the right way?
It all depends on the type of product you want to promote. If it is a specific product, then a channel is good for that product but if you intend several products within a niche, a more generic niche...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
22nd August 2014, 02:43 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 598 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
21st August 2014, 03:58 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 740 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
20th August 2014, 02:13 AM
Replies: 63
Views: 1,734 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
18th August 2014, 06:15 AM
Replies: 22
Views: 699 Re: Becoming an IM blogger
Congrats for this giant step.
This forum is the first and one of the best ways to start. Be active and committed.
For the traffic aspect check out this post Here...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
18th August 2014, 06:01 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 593 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
27th September 2013, 10:20 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 375 |