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Search: Posts Made By: bit twiddler
Forum: Warrior Forum News 2nd January 2015, 02:44 PM
Replies: 370
Views: 39,104
Posted By Mark Singletary
Re: New Warrior Special Offer (WSO) Rules

I can see both sides of the issue.

On the one hand, how can I convince potential customers that the technique I have been using really does have the potential to help save their mortgage or help...
Forum: Warrior Forum News 2nd January 2015, 09:27 AM
Replies: 370
Views: 39,104
Posted By Kay King
Re: New Warrior Special Offer (WSO) Rules

Someone who has been running/bumping multiple WSOs in the MMO field making promises of easy/fast/big money...and running all their sales through the fairly new Warrior Pay system....could be...
Forum: Warrior Forum News 2nd January 2015, 02:25 AM
Replies: 370
Views: 39,104
Posted By NetSensei
Re: New Warrior Special Offer (WSO) Rules

While I share some of the same concerns expressed on this thread... I am also inclined to look at it from a different angle. WF no doubt has come to a point where income claims are expected and...
Forum: Warrior Forum News 1st August 2014, 02:24 AM
Replies: 28
Views: 12,267
Posted By Alaister
1st August 2014 Warrior Payments Update

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all your feedback and suggestions for Warrior Payments. The team and I have been working hard talking to users of the system and implementing new features that you have...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 28th January 2014, 06:36 AM
Replies: 124
Views: 49,538
Posted By eternalwarrior
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 22nd January 2014, 11:20 PM
Replies: 124
Views: 49,538
Posted By vask
How I made $14,892 from Teespring & Facebook in one week.

Hey guys, a couple weeks ago I didn't even know about Teespring. Now i'm pulling in 5 figures in profit from it.

More and more threads started popping up about Teespring. At first I brushed it off...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 29th October 2013, 04:35 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 841
Posted By JohnnyNight
Urgent - Everyone needs to be aware of new, very dangerous virus/malware - Cryptolocker

Hi All,

I just became aware of this myself.

Cryptolocker - It will encrypt all your files and no one has been able to reverse the encryption as of yet.

This is apparently the ultimate...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 10th October 2013, 07:17 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 750
Posted By Stacy Crak
Re: Your Opinion of CrakRevenue?


CrakRevenue is a high-performing CPA platform that has been recognized for having the best affiliate program, innovative tools and unique traffic monetizing expertise. We work with partners...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 22nd September 2013, 10:03 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 1,512
Posted By kulwantnagi
Re: My Question about HTML Landing Page vs WordPress Landing Page

@bit twiddler, Fiverr is a great option. :)

Thanks all for giving awesome suggestions..
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 9th September 2013, 07:19 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 4,403
Posted By williamrs
Re: Here is how I succeeded with CPA... and most courses don't even mention this!

Thanks a lot for your great words! :D

And, yes, I agree that these posts don't become as popular as the ones with the next shiny object, but my intention was to help people who are serious about...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 5th September 2013, 02:43 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 4,403
Posted By williamrs
Re: Here is how I succeeded with CPA... and most courses don't even mention this!

Thanks for another great post!

I agree 100% with everything you said. "Learning something" and "copying someone" are 2 very different things and you explained this very well.

;) W
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 4th September 2013, 01:43 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 4,403
Posted By williamrs
Re: Here is how I succeeded with CPA... and most courses don't even mention this!

Awesome video! Thanks a lot for sharing it here! I think this information alone was worth a new thread. :)

But, seriously, that's exactly what I meant. Just a simple sentence, a slightly different...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 3rd September 2013, 07:39 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 4,403
Posted By williamrs
Here is how I succeeded with CPA... and most courses don't even mention this!

I used to be much more active on this forum in the past (just look at my post count), but recently I started making less posts.

It's not because I don't want to help people anymore or don't have...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 29th August 2013, 05:55 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,000
Posted By rapidleft
Re: Prosper202 Error - Warning: date

If any one else got the same error, you can try to add this code at the top of 202-config/connect.php file to fix it
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 16th August 2013, 09:29 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,758
Posted By Jeremy Vincent
My secret weapon for spying on the competition

There are a lot of services out there that can help you see what your competition is doing, many of which can cost $100+ per month, but by far the one that’s been the most valuable to me over the...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 2nd August 2013, 02:45 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 865
Posted By Kenster
Re: bluehost, HostGator, HostMonster and JustHost statement

People are freaking out about this haha

I'm losing traffic, sales, etc etc too but it's not the end of the world haha.

Everybody is acting like the sky is falling haha.

Things happen...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 1st August 2013, 06:17 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,595
Posted By tooAlive
Re: IMGrind vs AffExpert

In that case, the spy tools would probably be a good idea. Even if you only managed to find one profitable campaign thanks to them, you'd probably make your investment back and then some.

And I...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 1st August 2013, 12:52 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,329
Posted By Greedy
Re: This is what ACTUALLY happens with our PaYDAY loan Leads! A huge turnoff :(

Of course you can! :)

Pay Day Loans are banned in a lot of states. More are being added all the time.

There are some offers in CPA that people may feel are unethical.

When I personally feel...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 30th July 2013, 02:32 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 837
Posted By Adbeat
Re: Seeing other peoples traffic sources?

Hi TJ, this is Mike Colella the founder of Adbeat. I'd encourage you and anyone else to try Adbeat for 14 days and only $1 here and compare against other services first...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 16th July 2013, 03:49 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,027
Posted By POFBen
Re: How can I improve my PoF banner?

- Couples suck, always use an image of a single person of the opposite sex.

- Try and find amateur looking graphics.. that image you're using in the original looks too professional and fake.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 15th July 2013, 12:18 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 1,843
Posted By Greedy
Re: Scrapers and Spy Tools

TrafficVance = GameVance

LeadImpact = TotallyFunFreeStuff

Those are the best PPV spy tools you can get.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 15th July 2013, 10:59 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 1,843
Posted By whatrunswhere
Re: Scrapers and Spy Tools

Thanks! I just wanted to add that if you click your username we have a toggle that will turn on adult ads. We've got quite a lot of adult data, but we have to keep it hidden by default for those with...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 13th July 2013, 12:45 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 631
Posted By Greedy
Re: Get around EdgeRank on Facebook

Yes, I agree, and this is a good link.

Learn to work with it, it isn't going anywhere.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 12th July 2013, 03:12 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 1,843
Posted By Martyfl
Re: Scrapers and Spy Tools

Take a look at
you might find it to be useful.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 12th July 2013, 01:58 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 1,843
Posted By cobwab
Re: Scrapers and Spy Tools

You forgot and Follow Scout
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 9th July 2013, 10:04 AM
Replies: 256
Views: 35,961
Posted By DavidAtias1
[Mobile] CPA & Mobile PPC Success : $650.97 in the last 2 days.


Hello Warriors,

As you know, my previous thread was deleted because I had misunderstanding with the rules of the forum..
I read the forum rules carefully.....
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 8th July 2013, 01:09 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 1,743
Posted By Kenster
Re: CPA...the ethical dilemma

Both VERY well said.

There are many temptations in this and many others business models, but play between the posts.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 10th May 2013, 06:19 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 608
Posted By Bevo Troy
Re: BEVO - They don't respond

Sorry about the delayed response. The best place to ask questions about the platform is our support forum which we check several times a day. Email can get backed up from time to time. Sorry about...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 15th March 2013, 09:18 AM
Replies: 41
Views: 2,417
Posted By mraudi
Re: Prosper202 Install

When I first started out, I installed prosper on shared hosting ( and it worked great. I didn't get any errors at all, the installation went smooth as silk. However I like to mention...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 12th March 2013, 12:40 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 546
Posted By crysper
Re: Stupid or Lazy?

It's in human nature to get what you want with less effort. Maybe some of them think that they will get a better answer in the forum they ask the question.

It's a bit harsh to say someone is...
Forum: Warrior Forum Classified Ads 1st March 2013, 11:54 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,286
Posted By DTLMAN
Re: CHEAP AD SPACE on (American POF) dating site!

Hello Bit Twiddler,

$150/month is the lowest I will be going. As the site increases in traffic and popularity the cost of advertising will increase accordingly and proportionally. Thanks.
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 23rd February 2013, 03:17 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 636
Posted By Greedy
Re: POF ad approval process.

They are in the process updating their approval process.

Ben said "“No more bikini, short skirt/dress, mid rift, overly aggressive language or anything else that cheapens the look of POF.”
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 12th February 2013, 10:33 AM
Replies: 32
Views: 2,700
Posted By LukePeerFly
The Power of Facebook Sponsored Stories - Clicks for Pennies

Sponsored Stories from are a great way to get laser targeted traffic to pretty much any website or landing page you build. I have been...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 29th January 2013, 11:26 AM
Replies: 91
Views: 5,241
Posted By J50
Re: CPA doesn't work - the bubble has burst

You either have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Have very limited and narrow knowledge and experience of this industry - or are just trying to promote your signature with nonsense (I...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 4th January 2013, 06:32 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 2,588
Posted By DigiWeb Marketing
How to SUCCEED in Buying Traffic

Hi everyone,

I wanted to take some time and explain how to SUCCEED in buying traffic for CPA offers.

I've spent HOURS reading through people's frustrations and feel the need to provide some...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 26th November 2012, 02:58 PM
Replies: 828
Views: 104,085
Posted By joelraitt
Re: I went From $27 Rev in July to over $45,000 rev so far this month...questions?

Hey Guys (and Girls)

The time has come...and I guarantee it not what you're thinking (not a WSO)

I'm helping 5 people get started online...for free - no fee's, no % of income, nothing....
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 7th November 2012, 10:56 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 12,286
Posted By williamrs
[STEP-BY-STEP] How To Create Profitable Media Buying Campaigns In 5 Steps

Hey Warriors,

Media buys, this is how the pros drive traffic to their CPA offers. Yes, it's true, media buys is probably the most powerful traffic generation model for CPA marketers. I myself...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 3rd November 2012, 02:04 AM
Replies: 254
Views: 9,391
Posted By admin
Re: Is WF no longer free to join?

I'm going to lock this thread now, it's a little weird :-)

We're not ebay for one. And two nothing whatsoever has changed as far as guests are concerned. They can still read everything they could...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 2nd November 2012, 01:45 PM
Replies: 90
Views: 3,387
Posted By Janice Sperry
Re: Whats the NEXT Big Thing?

Do you have proof? Is there an OTO?
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 1st November 2012, 08:28 PM
Replies: 254
Views: 9,391
Posted By Paul Myers
Re: Is WF no longer free to join?

Shane,Bit twiddler was talking, I think, about people who created multiple free accounts to post fake testimonials. That wasn't common, but it did happen. I've banned a number of WSO sellers for that...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 31st October 2012, 02:36 AM
Replies: 254
Views: 9,391
Posted By admin
Re: Is WF no longer free to join?

Hi Manie,

Yes that is correct. Although seeing the member numbers shoot past 500,000 was nice I've slowly snapped to what basically killed a certain other once huge forum. I'm not going to allow...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 23rd September 2012, 08:26 PM
Replies: 71
Views: 38,459
Posted By LukePeerFly
Top 10 CPA Networks from Performance Marketing Insider

Performance Marketing Insider just released their survey results for the top 10 CPA networks ( Yes, I'm...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 15th April 2012, 11:37 AM
Replies: 52
Views: 7,093
Posted By PPC-Coach
Re: CPA Coach training program

Based on the 8,700+ ppc marketers that have signed up for my site over the past 4.5 years, I've got to disagree with the above statement.

Forum: Offline Marketing 29th March 2012, 01:55 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 4,905
Posted By iAmNameLess
Sadly... A Homeless Guy and his Girlfriend Put 99% Of You TO SHAME!

I have to share this..

Today, I was cleaning up some stuff at my old house since I'm waiting on a few clients to send some information, all my other work is finally caught up.

Moving recently...
Forum: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display) 2nd February 2012, 04:58 PM
Replies: 44
Views: 6,135
Posted By ChadH
Re: IMGrind,Six Months from Today etc

Ya they're crap and evil except that something I learned when I joined PPC Coach (which was not shared on wkdfireee or warriorforum or whatever), lead directly to my first 6 figures in my first 3...
Forum: Offline Marketing 10th December 2011, 12:06 PM
Replies: 94
Views: 3,647
Posted By YellowGreenMedia
Forum: Offline Marketing 10th December 2011, 12:04 PM
Replies: 94
Views: 3,647
Posted By karensworld
Re: Cold Calling?? If I have no B...s what next?

WOW! thanks so much bit twiddler. (not sure if that's your name)
A really great detailed response.
I too am a realtor although my market has dissapeared which has promted me into this new...
Forum: Offline Marketing 10th December 2011, 10:58 AM
Replies: 94
Views: 3,647
Posted By JBroyer44
Re: Cold Calling?? If I have no B...s what next?

I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything I just started cold calling myself, and when you read above I say I am going to try the postcard method as well as I think it is a great idea.
Forum: Offline Marketing 10th December 2011, 09:49 AM
Replies: 94
Views: 3,647
Posted By JBroyer44
Re: Cold Calling?? If I have no B...s what next?

Great post TJ!

I am also a newbie cold caller here and I only had he chance to dial about 70 numbers this week, but hey I got an appointment to sell SMS! You know how much time I spent on the...
Forum: Offline Marketing 10th December 2011, 04:24 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 713
Posted By k60mall
Forum: Mobile Marketing 22nd November 2011, 06:36 PM
Replies: 42
Views: 4,678
Posted By WillR
FLASH Websites need MOBILE Websites [Tutorial]

It's no secret that Apple devices do NOT support Flash. What this means is if a business has a website that uses flash, their website will NOT show up on popular mobile devices such as iPhones and...
Forum: Offline Marketing 21st November 2011, 04:11 PM
Replies: 283
Views: 26,430
Posted By StrategicCheetah
The easy way to creating a substantial monthly residual income using Linked In!

I just came off a Skype chat with my friend who has recently set off travelling the world and is currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

He spent a lot of months saving before he went, so he's got a...
Forum: Offline Marketing 20th November 2011, 11:23 AM
Replies: 109
Views: 4,635
Posted By John Durham
Re: How to Close Any Prospect..EVEN the Jerks.

We are nit picking terminology here and losing the "point".

Thats what I mean by getting so technically minded that you lose touch with what matters on earth to real people...

Michaels post...
Forum: Offline Marketing 20th November 2011, 10:10 AM
Replies: 109
Views: 4,635
Posted By John Durham
Re: How to Close Any Prospect..EVEN the Jerks.

I have went on that crazy spiritual journey myself...TJ.... For 20 years, only this year I realized that my beliefs and knowledge had gotten so universal and open that I had no parameters to live...
Forum: Offline Marketing 20th November 2011, 12:27 AM
Replies: 109
Views: 4,635
Posted By John Durham
Re: How to Close Any Prospect..EVEN the Jerks.

This has been covered by Plato, Hippocrates, Socrates, Jung... MANY OTHERS... literally the study of the four "Humors" dates all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia....

Most recently David...
Forum: Offline Marketing 19th November 2011, 01:09 PM
Replies: 109
Views: 4,635
Posted By Michael Bucker
**How to Close any Personality**

How to Sell to Different Personalities

Before I start let me say in most cases the person is not actually a jerk it is merely perceived.

Have you ever been stuck on how to sell to a...
Showing results 1 to 56 of 76

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