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Search: Posts Made By: Joey Tribbiani
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 5th October 2012, 04:55 AM
Replies: 84
Views: 34,457
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: What are the best ways to promote click bank products?

There are many different ways of promoting ClickBank products as an affiliate. I've made my living from it for 4 years and have, during that time, tried several of them.

In my opinion, however...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 16th August 2012, 03:19 PM
Replies: 96
Views: 13,115
Posted By nicholasb
2,000th Post and Why I'm So Successful

Over the years I have been observing, watching, practicing and learning and here is what I have determined are the main reasons I have become so successful.

I have been full time with IM since...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th December 2011, 08:56 PM
Replies: 387
Views: 31,055
Posted By Rod Cortez
57 Lessons Learned Over 14 Years In Internet Marketing - The List I Wish I Had When I First Started

Edit: Updated for 2013


I first stumbled upon the Warrior Forum back in 1999 through a free viral report written by Allen Says, the owner of this forum. I browsed through the forum,...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 31st May 2010, 05:45 AM
Replies: 98
Views: 46,694
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Selecting the product

Good question: I think CB product selection's probably the single area where most affiliates make mistakes that are most expensive in terms of opportunity-cost.

Here's my own 10-point checklist...
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