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Search: Posts Made By: Chris Lengley
Forum: Social Media 27th March 2017, 11:27 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 169
Posted By Pat H
RE: I've a Question About Facebook Page!

You might want to credit the image creator if the image is not part of a post from an expert, as in an article written by someone else. Also, in the 2.5 years I've had my page, I had 1 incident where...
Forum: Social Media 26th March 2017, 03:14 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 169
Posted By TMets5
RE: I've a Question About Facebook Page!

You will certainly want images that don't violate any trademark claims etc...royalty free etc..
Forum: Social Media 26th March 2017, 02:55 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 169
Posted By Valdenheath
RE: I've a Question About Facebook Page!

If you use Google images - advanced search - you can filter pics to only see those free to use on websites etc.

On the main FB page so long as you don't pretend a picture is yours I would say it...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 9th August 2016, 05:41 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 232
Posted By Sid Hale
Re: Google Images for making YouTube Videos or Slidshare?


If you take your own picture, you automatically own the copyright to that picture.

You can register the copyright for a small fee, but registration is not necessary as long as you...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 9th August 2016, 05:40 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 232
Posted By Kurt
Re: Google Images for making YouTube Videos or Slidshare?

Let me add that Google still holds the copyrights for the imagery used in Google Earth Pro, but they give permission to use it as long as you give attribution and GEP adds the required attribution...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th August 2016, 03:46 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 232
Posted By ForumGuru
Re: Google Images for making YouTube Videos or Slidshare?

It's always best to use images that you have a proper license for...and if needed, associated model and property releases as well.

Fortunately or unfortunately, U.S. Copyright law is not cut and...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th August 2016, 02:45 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 232
Posted By Kurt
Re: Google Images for making YouTube Videos or Slidshare?

Youtube/Google has a collection of music they allow you to add to YT videos. There's also a collection of contributors that you can add their music but need to use attribution.

And here's a...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th August 2016, 02:18 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 232
Posted By Sid Hale
Re: Google Images for making YouTube Videos or Slidshare?

No - you don't need our confirmation, you need Youtube's confirmation.

I wasn't aware that Youtube actually owned any music rights (maybe they are in the public domain/). However, no one here can...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 10th September 2014, 01:34 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 534
Posted By blitzbc
Re: Fiction Writing - What's the Fresh Perspective?

Do your research in Amazon. Find out which topics are selling the best. The key is good reviews. The more reviews you have = more sales (that is if they are good reviews) A suggestion to get a lot...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 10th September 2014, 01:33 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 534
Posted By peteJ
Re: Fiction Writing - What's the Fresh Perspective?

To answer you're first two questions, it depends.

Firstly, there is no perfect word count. I say, limit the word count to when the book stops needing more. The reality is, there are people out...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 9th July 2014, 10:21 AM
Replies: 58
Views: 2,010
Posted By Rod Cortez
Re: Competition vs No Competition Markets: Which Has Made The Most Money For You?

Well, there are so many other variables that come into play other than competition. But okay, I'll bite.

Hands down, the more competitive markets (and niches) have done much, much better for me....
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 29th June 2014, 07:21 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 708
Posted By JohnMcCabe
Re: Some questions about article marketing

Article marketing for SEO and direct traffic from article directories seems to be the zombie of content marketing. It's not viable, but it refuses to die, and if you decide to spin articles and read...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 29th June 2014, 07:03 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 708
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Some questions about article marketing

Not sure how much I can add to what was (I hope!) fairly thoroughly explained by Steven Wagenheim and myself in this recent, little thread: ...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 3rd February 2014, 05:51 PM
Replies: 38
Views: 1,627
Posted By steved333
No new subscribers are opening welcome email

I don't get it. I've got about 100 subs in the weight loss niche, and they aren't even opening the welcome email. My hypertracker links are showing no clicks, and get response is showing no opens. ...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 29th October 2013, 05:03 AM
Replies: 39
Views: 916
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Confirmed opt in on or off?

It depends which autoresponder service you use. Some do send out single opt-in and confirmed opt-in mails from different servers, so it's possible they could have different delivery-rates. But if you...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th September 2013, 12:11 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 425
Posted By JohnMcCabe
Re: Can we use Bibliography, Citations, and Footnotes in our articles?

I don't require a bibliography or footnotes, but I do give extra credit for citations when choosing articles to publish.

For example, if you quote a statistic, name the source or simply link it...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th September 2013, 11:54 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 425
Posted By GuruGazette
Re: Can we use Bibliography, Citations, and Footnotes in our articles?

I prefer using references, citations and quotes when creating high quality articles because it creates trust and authority. Five or six years ago, EZA did not allow this. I have no idea if it has...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th September 2013, 09:34 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 425
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Can we use Bibliography, Citations, and Footnotes in our articles?

Who cares about EZA? All EZA is good for is some afterthought passive syndication. :p :D

I'm only being semi-facetious: yes, EZA does still have a role to play in article marketing, but it's...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 3rd July 2013, 04:48 AM
Replies: 116
Views: 3,511
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: What will be big in 10 years?

The waist measurement of today's average 40-year-old in Western countries.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 06:13 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By Tbyrd626
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

You could also check ejunkie for digital products to promote.

If it is a niche with tangible products you could promote, you could check Commission Junction, ShareaSale, Pepperjam, and Linkshare....
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 05:23 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By joaquin112
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

The thing about untapped niches is that once you have any kind of success with it, other marketers will copy your model and profit from it. Therefore, you should make your product as good as possible...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 03:37 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By Marc Rodill
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

Put up your own. But be careful if there isn't competition, it's either untapped, or it's like that for a reason. Niche could be a ghost town, but you won't know until you test it.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 03:20 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By jgant
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

I'm in a niche in which there are no CB products and few physical products.
However, I've monetized very well by entering into referral deals with relevant merchants in the industry. It takes a bit...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 12:36 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By MKCookins
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

There are hundreds if not thousands of places you go find affiliate products. Click bank is just one of many you can look through.

Here are a list of 20 real quick....

1. CX Digital Media
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 11:48 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By talfighel
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

If there is a demand for this niche and you can't find any products, I would encourage you to create the product yourself and then start recruiting affiliates to sell it for you.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 11:45 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

Hi Chris, are you asking "Should I produce a product and sell it on ClickBank because there isn't one there for the affiliates who want to promote something in the niche?" (Could be a very good idea,...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 09:17 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By NatesMarketing
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

There are also more affiliate networks than CB and Amazon, and a lot of businesses even run there own affiliate program.

Go to other sites in your niche...or product sites in your niche...see if...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 08:51 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By Sean A McAlister
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

Hey Chris,

If the niche is large enough / had a decent demand, you should develop a product and get listed on Clickbank :)

Engage via the Social sphere and start building a following around...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 22nd June 2013, 08:47 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,029
Posted By KenThompson
Re: Voracious niche, but no product on clickbank...

I imagine there are lots of niches with no CB product. And people are just as successful and unsuccessful on either Amazon or CB.

Research the niche and its audience. Determine if there's profit...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 3rd May 2013, 08:43 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 356
Posted By goindeep
Re: I have two questions.

1, post a blog on yahoo shine, easy. If you cant its because its looking at his content first. Take legal action or notify Yahoo!

2, use | Find Synonyms and Antonyms of Words at...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 9th March 2013, 05:55 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 496
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Ezines - where to look for them and how to start

What you've described here is an "article directory", Art, not an "ezine". ;)

"Ezine" (or "e-zine") is a contraction of the words "electronic magazine". It's a newsletter (free or paid-for), sent...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 27th February 2013, 11:07 AM
Replies: 57
Views: 2,438
Posted By Rod Cortez
Re: Is there really still money to be made in Internet Marketing?

Absolutely. In fact, I think there is far more opportunity today than any time in history.

Bear in mind that "IM" is not limited to what you see here in this forum, it involves all of...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 27th February 2013, 10:59 AM
Replies: 57
Views: 2,438
Posted By travlinguy
Re: Is there really still money to be made in Internet Marketing?

Actually, Internet Marketing as we know it will be shut down in April. You heard it here first.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 27th February 2013, 10:25 AM
Replies: 57
Views: 2,438
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Is there really still money to be made in Internet Marketing?

Do you honestly believe that? :eek:

What proportion of US households owns one or more TV sets? Do you think the "TV set market" is saturated, or will many millions of them be sold this year, next...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 26th February 2013, 10:03 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By bigslamgyrl
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

I think one thing we can all agree on is that it is crucial that you don't take on so much that you get yourself burnt out. You may be able to turn out 100 sites easily, but successfully monetizing...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 26th February 2013, 09:13 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By Steven Wagenheim
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

Don't do it. Concentrate on ONE. Get THAT one making money for you and
THEN move onto another one.

Most people can just about handle that much.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 26th February 2013, 09:09 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By WillR
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

One niche. How can you expect to conquer 5 niches without getting one right first?

Put all your focus into making one work -- only then move on. It will get you much faster results.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 26th February 2013, 08:59 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By Rod Cortez
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

I'm glad you asked these questions because this is where a lot of marketers get it wrong. It's not about how many niches, it's about your business plan. Does your business plan and marketing plan...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 25th February 2013, 10:19 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By bbjumpman
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

From experience I'd recommend focusing on the one niche (especially if competitive) IF it's your first time trying to rank/convert for it. Once you have some experience it should become more of a...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 25th February 2013, 10:14 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By smodha
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

I work on several niches at the same time. There's no point creating one site and then sitting around twiddling your thumbs.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 12:23 PM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By LilBlackDress
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

When I started some years ago, I jumped right in with some of the most competitive topics ever. I started one on going green, work at home, relationships, weddings, weight loss, supplements etc. You...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 10:56 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By warriorkay
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

If you focus on just one website and spend every minute of
your working time making it a brand that won't need only search
engines or any one form of traffic to succeed, you will be
amazed at how...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 10:25 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By John Romaine
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

Question - are the niches complimentary? If so, put all of your products on one site, and cross promote them.

You're much better off building out ONE SITE, developing your skillsets, refining the...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 08:59 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

I maintain 8 niches, but they were built up gradually over 4 years and maintaining them is very different from starting them.

I've never started more than two at the same time, and wouldn't try...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 08:28 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By Chri5123
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

It depends on you.

I have tackled about 3 niches at once and it is hard work. I would say it is easier and more productive to put 100% of your efforts into 1 than try the others unless of course...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 08:20 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By jamescanz
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

The best approach is the approach that works for you

If you can handle tackling that many niches simultaneously, there's no one to stop you from doing so :)

But if you feel you might get...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 08:20 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By TeamBringIt
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

Doing too many, things at once reduces the greatness,,,,of doing only one thing and finishing it. Focus on one niche, accomplish goal...Then, move unto next project/niche...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 24th February 2013, 08:01 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 1,119
Posted By butters
Re: Is it safe if I start working on 4 to 5 niches simultaneously?

Depends on your niches, how competetive they are, how much skill you have... People work in many niches at once but ONLY when their systems are refined enough to allow them to do so.

Edit: Don't...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th February 2013, 07:00 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 556
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Have you seen any article worth more than $5k?

I'm pretty sure, yes.

And even with "non-famous authors", in many cases it'll be "special qualifications/experience" that play a part, in that sort of price-range? Some medical researchers can get...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th February 2013, 06:47 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 556
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Have you seen any article worth more than $5k?

In that price-range, it has a lot to do with by whom it's been written, Chris. There are some magazines and newspapers who'll pay prices like that to some authors (but typically they'll be buying...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th February 2013, 06:44 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 556
Posted By PerformanceMan
Re: Have you seen any article worth more than $5k?

A 'web article' that is intrinsically worth $5k? How would we know? There are plenty of pages that make more than that - but are they worth the money because of the article quality?
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 2nd February 2013, 12:04 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 984
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: 200 Clicks How Many Opt-In you will get?

Nooooo, I never use any kind of pop-ups at all - that's one of the few things I'm not even willing to split-test, with new sites, now:...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 2nd February 2013, 06:16 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 984
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: 200 Clicks How Many Opt-In you will get?

If I send them to an opt-in on the home page of a content-rich blog, I might get 35 out of 200 opting in, and I can make a very good living that way.

If I send them to a squeeze page, I might get...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 30th January 2013, 11:20 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 701
Posted By Alexa Smith
Re: Keep on Checking... Vendors are deceiving your eyes!

Nooooo ... of course not. Very few serious affiliates will.

Good, experienced, professional vendors understand this, and know that they can't hope to attract serious, pro-affiliates without also ...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 30th January 2013, 08:07 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 701
Posted By Shaun OReilly
Re: Keep on Checking... Vendors are deceiving your eyes!

It's better for the vendor and affiliate to have opt-in forms
that hard code all follow-up e-mails with the affiliate links
for the affiliate.

(Assuming that the vendor and affiliate both trust...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 30th January 2013, 08:01 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 701
Posted By khay
Re: Keep on Checking... Vendors are deceiving your eyes!

I always buy the product I'm promoting first - to check if both the product and the merchant are favourable. You'll soon see if your email address gets sold or you're hammered with upsells or...
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