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Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 8th July 2014, 05:21 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,190
Posted By Sarevok
Re: NEED HELP! 1500 Bot Visitors A Day

Could also be bots trying to comment on your blog, or someone trying to crack your wordpress installation..


If you haven't done so, you might consider disabling comments altogether.
Forum: Email Marketing 22nd April 2014, 08:46 PM
Replies: 48
Views: 3,158
Posted By XponentSYS
Re: Why are you paying anything for an Auto-Responder?

I pay $1,600.00 a month for GetResponse because I have a lot of subscribers a cross more than a few lists.

I dont care because those lists bring in multiples of that figure.

Let's say I get...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 13th March 2014, 08:05 PM
Replies: 117
Views: 6,976
Posted By StanHyeck
Re: If you had $600 and were relativelty new to internet marketing where would you start?

If you have $600 and limited experience then what I would do is focus on list building.

Put in some REALLY great content into the autoresponder and sell affiliate products.

Use facebook ads to...
Forum: Social Media 25th January 2014, 06:12 PM
Replies: 44
Views: 2,150
Posted By AmatureITHelp
Re: What's the best Social Media Sites for Traffic (Besides Facebook, Google + and Twitter)

Pintrest is great. It's users spend an abnormally high amount of time interacting with content they find there.

Stumbleupon is pretty good. If you have a little money to spend you can get some...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 13th December 2013, 12:10 PM
Replies: 75
Views: 2,218
Posted By Karen Blundell
Re: Is it REALLY possible to make money doing nothing?

I know what the OP meant -

Whatever happened to kindness? Have we become so cynical that we think everyone has ulterior motives?

yes, you can make money doing nothing once you do whatever you...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 26th August 2013, 10:02 AM
Replies: 128
Views: 6,896
Posted By Rod Cortez
Re: My IM Journey....Three Years of **Disappointments**

Well, at least you're learning some very important lessons. As a former financial planner, if you were my client I would have advised you not to quit your job, even with the amount of savings that...
Forum: eCommerce Sites, Wholesaling & Drop Shipping 16th April 2013, 03:34 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 679
Posted By rlcf
Re: Starting a SEO Company with Recurring Payments

Wordpress self-hosted is the way to go. Easy and fully customizable.

Forum: eCommerce Sites, Wholesaling & Drop Shipping 16th April 2013, 03:26 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 679
Posted By GB Solutions
Re: Starting a SEO Company with Recurring Payments

I use WordPress for the majority of the sites I build. Its quick, easy, and extremely customizable. However, when a client wants a store with more than 50 items, or they are complex items that have...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 12th February 2013, 10:17 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 310
Posted By imsolutionsgroup
Re: Have A Question About Affiliate Links

<a href="youraffiliatelinkhere" target="_blank">Affiliates</a>

The target="_blank" tells the link to open in a new window.
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 2nd February 2013, 03:10 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 461
Posted By Ross Dalangin
Re: I Made A Mistake With My Wordpress Site, HELP.

You can redirect it by using .htaccess

I have to go so, I will leave you with this to think ==> WordPress › Support ยป Proper 301 Redirect in .htaccess...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 1st February 2013, 04:12 PM
Replies: 109
Views: 5,561
Posted By Tina Golden
Re: $4,000 in two days...the death of cheap WSOs

This isn't Shiny Object Syndrome. It's people who are truly stupid enough to believe that money magically falls out of the computer if you buy the right 'easy button' product. Sheer greed and...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 1st February 2013, 11:49 AM
Replies: 109
Views: 5,561
Posted By AndrewCavanagh
$4,000 in two days...the death of cheap WSOs

Okay there's a few things I've learned over the years I've been coming
to the warrior forum...

# 1: Any thread with the words "the death of" in the title MIGHT have
some good information.

Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 1st February 2013, 10:56 AM
Replies: 44
Views: 1,515
Posted By AndrewCavanagh
Re: Which Course really made you money?

What background and skills do you have now?

That makes a huge difference in where you should start.

Whatever you do when you're starting out you want to focus
on getting really GREAT at ONE...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization 24th January 2013, 12:12 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 456
Posted By Punit12
Lightbulb Re: Tricky SEO question ...

Dear Chris,

As your blog pages are dead now, the best solution is to wait till the Google sees them dead.

Try to bring them to googles notice then,
upload your same content on your new domain...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization 23rd January 2013, 02:03 PM
Replies: 118
Views: 9,080
Posted By anwar001
Re: I am making $100+ per day now after penguin with 5 websites

First of all congrats on your success. What I suggest is to keep building up content on all these sites. After the Google updates, I have noticed that if you keep building up content on your sites,...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 30th December 2012, 06:21 PM
Replies: 60
Views: 3,884
Posted By zerofill
Re: Squidoo Empire, A Really Big Empire Gone in Seconds

I say the same things many have said here. Why put all your eggs in one basket?


You would be surprised how many people don't know that a Squidoo lens, an article at an article directory,...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization 27th December 2012, 05:17 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 757
Re: What is best method for page 1 Google friendly SEO

Which is why Google changes their algorithm daily.

From day 1, Google is focused on this ONE mindset:

'We want our users to find what they're looking for in the top result'

They do this by...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization 1st June 2012, 09:40 AM
Replies: 118
Views: 9,080
Posted By treasurehunt369
I am making $100+ per day now after penguin with 5 websites


I use to read through posts here and DP all the day and gained some knowledge. After many ups and downs, I have started making some good income now. I would like to share my story here,...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization 24th February 2012, 12:33 PM
Replies: 1,158
Views: 79,937
Posted By ukcarl
How I went from $0 - $2000 in 3 months

Hi everyone I just wanted to add this thread about my experience in the last 3 months going full time online, hopefully it can act as a bit of motivation for those of you out there that may be...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum 6th August 2008, 07:16 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 76,026
Posted By admin
YOU Are A Moderator!

The Warrior Forum is virtually 100% member moderated.

If a spammer comes on board it only takes few of you to make his posts vanish into thin air. Just use that Report Post button. Their posts...
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