Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
14th April 2011, 10:10 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 608 Re: Steal Aweber leads.
I think AWeber supports exporting subscribers to CSV. So yes, if a person has access to your account, he can get all the e-mails. He can even send e-mails through your AWeber account if he wants...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
8th April 2011, 05:54 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 691 |
Forum: Programming
31st December 2010, 11:04 PM
Replies: 70
Views: 19,983 Re: Issue a license key for a wordpress plugin?
mywebwork's solution will work if your plugin has to communicate with your server to get the job done, something like Askimet. However, if it's self-sufficient, then an API key won't be of any use.
Forum: Programming
14th November 2010, 11:45 AM
Replies: 91
Views: 4,231 Re: Which programming language should I choose??
You then have a choice between Perl, Python and Ruby (maybe even others). The reason I've enlisted these three is because they're general purpose (not tied to the web or desktop). So you can always...
Forum: Off Topic Forum
24th March 2010, 10:29 AM
Replies: 34
Views: 1,295 |
Forum: Search Engine Optimization
25th February 2010, 10:02 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 564 Re: cant get indexed
There are 2 possiblities,
1. In the wordpress admin dashboard the privacy settings is set to block search engines by default.
You need to enable it by clicking the radio button next to 'I would...
Forum: Plug-In Profit Site Support Forum
31st October 2009, 05:41 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 829 Re: 5 Things You Should Know About Windows 7
Patrician you are very right in your cautious approach. In the beta and RTM stages all the good points about the OS are hyped up and anything bad is passed up as "hey its just a beta/RTM". The final...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
27th October 2009, 02:03 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,222 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
24th September 2009, 10:54 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,117 |
Forum: Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings
21st September 2009, 10:32 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 1,904 Re: looking for a hosting company ((Cheap))
I think you will hear horror stories and bad reviews about every host out there. Since you are not comfortable with Godaddy, I would recommend Bluehost $3.95 plan (through an affiliate link) or...
Forum: Copywriting
14th September 2009, 10:58 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 703 Re: Oh Lord, Not Another Squeeze Page Critique
There is just one little suggestion I can think of right now. That is putting a copy of "Don't use your real name" thing right near the Opt-In box, so that people can see it without scrolling. It...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
13th September 2009, 09:22 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 672 Re: Here is your download link
It happened a lot with me. Many a times, it's one of those "Sign up for a free video" kind of thing. Happens a lot during pre-launch period of a product.
I recall Gary Bencivenga had an excellent...
Forum: Search Engine Optimization
6th September 2009, 08:54 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,126 Re: Repeated word in domain name question
Repeating a keyword is unnecessary. Lengthy keywords are difficult to type and hence it will reduce type-in traffic. Also I do not see any added seo benefits, as other members have also rightly...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
28th August 2009, 09:07 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 486 Re: Domain Name Evaluations
A blogger has tried both sedo and moniker appraisal service and has posted his thoughts here
Forum: Mind Warriors
3rd July 2009, 07:06 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 530 The Less Known Million Dollar Short Story
If you are stuck in your business, not knowing how to continue, not knowing how to expand, then you will find great value in this post.
Hanging on with my friend, I asked him, "Hey, there are...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
24th June 2009, 09:59 PM
Replies: 67
Views: 2,317 Re: Getting more discouraged by the hour
I think the niche you are promoting is good. But you are using the wrong affiliate network. Most of the software community use regnow and or plimus to sell their software. You will find much better...
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
20th June 2009, 05:33 AM
Replies: 46
Views: 1,006 |
Forum: Mind Warriors
2nd May 2009, 05:42 AM
Replies: 438
Views: 22,009 |
Forum: Mind Warriors
18th April 2009, 08:07 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 627 |
Forum: Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
15th April 2009, 08:49 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 526 |