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Search: Posts Made By: naturalstamina
Forum: Social Media 23rd March 2016, 05:38 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 818
Posted By Eric Chong
RE: YouTube film making can be a career?


It can certainly be a career, but I would not be so focused on "following others" or even asking others for advice because done blindly can lead you to a worse place then you started if...
Forum: Offline Marketing 27th February 2016, 06:10 PM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,466
Posted By marciayudkin
Re: 25K or 250K Consulting? Business Leverage percentage take

In my experience, this is a huge red flag. If one person makes all the decisions, then there is no reason for a meeting of all four. If all four need to be in on this decision, then any one or two...
Forum: Offline Marketing 27th February 2016, 12:37 PM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,466
Posted By Kay King
Re: 25K or 250K Consulting? Business Leverage percentage take

I repeat - if you haven't seen the books, you have no clue what they CAN afford. Unless you are psychic you don't know what they are WILLING to pay.

Decide what it is worth to YOU to do this. How...
Forum: Offline Marketing 17th September 2015, 10:28 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 848
Posted By Jason Kanigan
Re: Start Fresh! From the Beginning.

It's the French high school studies from the Canadian in me ;-)

Hey, I'm all for contributing, and helping, but if it's going to fall on deaf or confrontational ears, then it's just a waste of...
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