I Created Wearable AI Devices for the Blind and the Deaf - Now Looking for Crowdsourced Investors
I'm looking for investors who might be interested in my projects here:
1. VIsION - Wearable AI for the Blind
Watch in Action What I've Done So Far >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIZj7IW-FDk?rel=0
• I'm currently developing this wearable AI device for the blind.
• Our national government's Department of Science & Technology gave me a $100K grant for this.
- They get 2% of all net profits from this product for the next 5 years, from the time we hit positive net profit margins; and
- Now looking for more investment partners, in order to provide me with mass production capacity, which can in turn lower down end customer product price ...
2. SPIGN - Wearable AI for the Deaf
Watch in Action What I've Done So Far >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKyBpG97Y-0?rel=0
NOTE: Our national government also funded this project. Under the same deal as my wearable AI for the blind project mentioned above ...
• I've created a proof of concept prototype for a wearable AI device for the deaf.
• This got the top spot out of 200 entries in a recently concluded startup challenge by Cerebro Labs, a local start-up accelerator here.
• I got a $80K offer from them, which I turned down because they wanted to limit beneficial functionality to deaf users who won't be able to afford the premium version of my product.
- That's the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do since that'll make the deaf feel marginalized more than ever;
- A few straightforward modifications can convert this wearable AI device for the deaf into a gesture-controlled wearable computer for the general public, which has significant demand but very limited supply at the moment; and
- In turn, this will give me mass production capacity, which can lower down end user product price.
3. IDEAS - Inclusive Developers of Entrepreneurial & Assistive Solutions
UPDATE: This is now exclusively 'a project with our national government. I've recently been chosen by the Department of Information & Communications Technology as one out of 25 representatives for our country's 18 regions and 7 sectors; and
This is now part of my initiatives under this new role ...
• I want to develop this online grassroots community of persons with disabilities (PWDs) who want to learn how to become entrepreneurs and assistive product creators.
• This will even out the playing field as, for the past several decades, a lot more focus, support and resources are just on training and educational programs for PWDs to become workers and product testers, which continues to produce limited beneficial results for PWDs so far here and abroad.
- Through this online community, they'll be able to access learning materials, educational resources, tools, project funding opportunities and direct guidance from veteran PWDs and non-PWDs who are locally and internationally successful entrepreneurs and product creators;
- They'll also be able to collaborate on meaningful projects among themselves and with these expert PWD and non-PWD entrepreneurs and product creators;
- Aside from a certain percentage of successfully funded projects by partner government offices, private welfare organizations, educational institutions and commercial investment groups going to sustain operations and earn some revenues, a certain part of revenues from ad views, affiliate sales, viewer Web mining and so on can go to us, while the rest goes to each content contributor who shares learning materials, resources and tools, as well as to viewers who contribute meaningful insights and share these resources outside the community; and
- Keep in mind that PWDs can't just go elsewhere like here in the WarriorForum because many of them find online platforms like these inaccessible and cumbersome to use with their assistive devices and software tools.
Lastly, I just want to mention that I have significant traction and brand recognition across relevant disability markets locally and internationally.
• Organizations like the United Nations, ASEAN initiatives, local government offices, private welfare organizations, educational institutions and so on regularly invite me to represent our country in local and international conferences about the role of ICT and entrepreneurship in improving the lives of PWDs.
• They also give away video recordings of my talks at their other activities and collaboration work with educational institutions, private welfare organizations and government offices.
• My active participation and partnership as an external consultant, adviser and speaker of these institutions will significantly help in the successful delivery of these products to target audiences in the disability market.
Looking forward to mutually beneficial joint venture arrangements - You can send me a PM here, or an email HERE, or through Skype - My Skype ID's my email username, or through Facebook Messenger - My Facebook business page is HERE ...
Thanks for your time!