Coder Requires Experienced Blogger/Marketer/Growth Hacker in SEO/MMO Niche
I'm an experienced UK based coder with a portfolio of sites in the SEO/MMO niche. I've also been a Warrior Forum member since the time of the dinosaurs. My online earnings to date are 120,835 GBP (I love data!).
During the covid crisis I have basically cloned one of my successful sites and now I have half a dozen similar sites with enormous potential. I also have a 7 year old SEO database containing over 500,000 keywords, and masses of other carefully curated data.
I am looking for someone with a track record of getting substantial traffic in the SEO/MMO niche. I will build out the sites/products, and you will market them. I currently monetize with AdSense, Ezoic and my own product range. I do very little with email lists so you could manage them on my behalf. We could also launch a SAAS product or WordPress plugin or anything else you think would make us $$$$$.
If you're interested let me know. PM me your blog URL, social media accounts etc. As a rough guide I would say my ideal partner has around 5000 Twitter followers, or 10000 YouTube subscribers.