Rules for this forum: No squeeze pages, no aff links, no spam. Just FREE resources for sharing

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If your thread got deleted or the rules!
"This section is for listing free resources on building an online business."

These things can include the following:
- Ebooks
- Podcasts
- Videos
- Powerpoint Presentations
- Conference Talks
- Infographics

There are some general rules for the Warrior forum that have been put in place by Allen (The Owner) Please take some time and get yourself familiar with them

================================================== ==
If you have a genuine question or are looking for specific information
please visit the main URL

There is a list of sub forums in which you may find your answers.
If something is Off topic...there is a forum for that as well.
================================================== ===

This forum is for listing sources of FREE eBooks or PDF's
There is a uniform forum policy that you are NOT to use affiliate links.

There is a Classified Section (Where you can list these sorts of things)...Pay the $20.00

The Owner of this forum Allen as gone to extrodinary lengths to keep this Forum 1st class and Spam Free. This is a great community with a lot of great resources and people. Please respect it.

Highest Regards,

EDIT - October 16th 2010

As Mentioned this is a section to Provide FREE Resources and E-Books. This is not a section to Build Your List. Therefore, Anyone who is using a Squeeze Page will have their post Removed. If you want to Build Your List, Please post an Ad in the classified section.

#affiliate #cleaning #houseno #linksno #redirectsno #spam

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