noticed share link in FB the picture is small?

1 replies
you know while you share a link

the picture will be big

but now it seem only show small photo instead big photo

even i refresh and repost
#link #noticed #picture #share #small
  • Profile picture of the author Triplescan
    It might be a bug of some sort what you are mentioning here, otherwise it can not be possible, because Facebook implemented this big image, all over the place thing especially to appeal more to users. Anyway, if a friend of yours and another one,or a friend and a page you liked (say a newspaper) share the same link almost simultaneously, note that the picture in the shared post will only appear one time, that is for the newspaper page. Your friends post will appear immediately under it and above the two posts will be written: Your friend and The Newspaper shared a link.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9591611].message }}

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