Facebook Promoted Post Bidding for Realtor

1 replies
I'm a Residential Realtor in Texas looking to use Facebook Promoted Posts for a Very Strong and Unique Offer: "We'll Sell Your Home FREE, When You Buy ANY Home through us!" This targets move up Homebuyers, Age 30+, limited to my city area that also have a home to sell first in the $200k to $500k price range. Most Realtors using FBPP simply offer a generic Free Online Home Evaluation to get Seller Leads, casing a larger net as opposed to my more Specific, Stronger, and Unique Offer; and they use CPM bidding
I wonder which bidding model makes more sense for my USP - CPC or CPM?
I am after Seller Leads, not branding or "likes".

Thanks for your advice!
#bidding #facebook #post #promoted #realtor
  • Profile picture of the author cherbeat
    Think outside the box for this one. Make sure you are targeting outside of your regular just wanting to buy a home(refinancing, flipping a home, etc and look broad and use Google for that one).

    If you put a retargeting pixel on your Thank You page then you can track the conversions which helps to lower your CPM and CPC. Use the insights tool (that is the secret sauce right there highly recommended that you use it to really evaluate a little further) and you will be able to target your audience better and test both or you models out. CPM has always worked very well for me. CPC is also a great way but can be a higher CPA.

    I use 22 Social (Google ~> 22 Social Review) it helped me get names and emails when they take an action to your FB App page from your Fan Page. It helps because you can follow up and your collecting a list very easily without having to leave FB.

    Good Luck this one is pretty tricky but you have enough information in this followup that should help you to solve that mystery.

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