Can we rank YT videos using social medias?

16 replies
Hi guys...

Is it possible to rank a YouTube Video in Google or in YT using social media (FB, Twitter and so on). Does anybody mange to do that?
I want to rank one of my videos even more. it has almost 20000 views, and gets almost 500 every day... But I am sure it has the potential to have almost 1000 visits a day if ranked a bit more...

Any comment is appreciated...
#medias #rank #social #videos
  • Profile picture of the author Nequan
    The short answer is yes. Social media shares do factor into rankings but they are only a small part. YouTube also factors in things like audience retention, likes, comments, favorites, and subscribers driven.

    If you want to out rank your comepetors, you best bet would be to use something like VidIQ or Virool Active Insights to see the stats of the video that are ranking higher than you and try to beat them.
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    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by Nequan View Post

      The short answer is yes. Social media shares do factor into rankings but they are only a small part. YouTube also factors in things like audience retention, likes, comments, favorites, and subscribers driven.

      If you want to out rank your comepetors, you best bet would be to use something like VidIQ or Virool Active Insights to see the stats of the video that are ranking higher than you and try to beat them.
      My video is ranked and has 2000 views (takes almost 200 every day)... but I want to push it from the second page of G into the first page and of course try to rank it a bit more in YT.....

      Are VidIQ or Virool helpful for me then?

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      • Profile picture of the author kristyrussel
        Do some quality SEO for that video, use proper and keyword rich title and description.Share it on social sites and gain quality backlink this will definitely help you.

        Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

        My video is ranked and has 2000 views (takes almost 200 every day)... but I want to push it from the second page of G into the first page and of course try to rank it a bit more in YT.....

        Are VidIQ or Virool helpful for me then?

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        • Profile picture of the author wizard12
          Originally Posted by kristyrussel View Post

          Do some quality SEO for that video, use proper and keyword rich title and description.Share it on social sites and gain quality backlink this will definitely help you.
          How do you find quality dofollow backlinks?
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          • Profile picture of the author kristyrussel
            Check for some authority websites, and use add on in your browser to check if the link is dofollow or no follow.

            Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

            How do you find quality dofollow backlinks?
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  • Profile picture of the author eham
    yes of media is very popular for this kinds of work
    News & Media Website
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    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by eham View Post

      yes of media is very popular for this kinds of work
      So how should I go with them? Is there any tutorial to let me know what to perform the ranking operation?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    You can easily rank a Youtube video even if it never gets shared on Facebook. If you have a useful video, then others will share it on their on sites. That creates backlinks to your video. The more people who share your video via their own site/blog, the more popular your video will be on Google search for a keyword term.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9645297].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by JohnnyPlan View Post

      You can easily rank a Youtube video even if it never gets shared on Facebook. If you have a useful video, then others will share it on their on sites. That creates backlinks to your video. The more people who share your video via their own site/blog, the more popular your video will be on Google search for a keyword term.
      Please correct me if I am wrong....The websites are nofollow, so do they really affect the ranking in G and YT?
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  • Profile picture of the author DanaMears
    Yes it is possible because Google owns YouTube. Keywords, title, description and tags are all that matters here. Try to use the YouTube Keyword Tool to find out which keywords don’t have a lot of competition. Then you make sure you include them in your title, description and tags. Also, you need to customize your thumbnail. You be sure to make your video accessible from multiple sources to allow influencers find your video and even promote or source it on their own platforms. Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9645983].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by DanaMears View Post

      Yes it is possible because Google owns YouTube. Keywords, title, description and tags are all that matters here. Try to use the YouTube Keyword Tool to find out which keywords don't have a lot of competition. Then you make sure you include them in your title, description and tags. Also, you need to customize your thumbnail. You be sure to make your video accessible from multiple sources to allow influencers find your video and even promote or source it on their own platforms. Good luck!
      All those done! need even more rank!
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  • Profile picture of the author sisindia
    Video advertising is really different field. As per my thoughts if you share your video to the places where people want to include your video in article or blog then it would be most viral way to grow. secondly you can go for email outreach for this purpose. And yes Facebook Paid Ads is best suitable way to reach your marketing goal. Its really worth it.

    Internet marketing and web designing excellence
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9646459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by sisindia View Post

      Video advertising is really different field. As per my thoughts if you share your video to the places where people want to include your video in article or blog then it would be most viral way to grow. secondly you can go for email outreach for this purpose. And yes Facebook Paid Ads is best suitable way to reach your marketing goal. Its really worth it.
      What places you mean?
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  • Profile picture of the author NickNimmin
    Yes but just sharing it yourself won't do much unless you have a large following who will reshare.

    But the short answer is yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Alwell
    Check out this blog post I did about ranking youtube videos.

    Building backlinks with Link Emperor has been very effective for me at ranking YT videos as well.
    Free Video Reveals My 7-Step Plan To Grow Your Audience
    & Create A Hyper-Engaged Email List For Your Affiliate Marketing Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidLee888
    Yes , social media is the best platform to drive the natural traffic to your site. But make sure to post quality content.
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