How to Increase followers on Twitter

by Yavan
3 replies
Hello Guys, everyone want to increase followers on Twitter because most of the businesses are on Twitter nowadays. But many of them are still scratch their heads by trying to find actionable ideas to increase their Twitter followers.

Some of the Tips I know to increase the followers which I mention below.

1. You have to tweet frequently.
2. Re-tweets your followers
3. Share valuable content
4. Follow the followers relevant to your niche

But, if you have some other tips to increase the followers on Twitter then please share !!!
#followers #increase #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author swiftini
    #4 is the most important one. If you follow 25-30 people a day who follow people in a niche similar to yours and then methodically unfollow the ones that don't follow back you can increase your following in no time. You can also pay for sponsored tweets to help you build your followers. There are sites that have people offering sponsored tweets.

    Another way is to ties twitter into your other social media efforts. For example - send your Facebook followers to twitter - you can do this through paid FB marketing as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author kiwilx
      Those options mentioned were good, but if you are looking for real followers interested in what you have to offer, then make sure to check out Pay with a Tweet - The First Social Payment System
      it is free and people simply buy what you have to offer with a tweet! Not only you will gain real traffic but also real followers that can start to follow.

      Now a tip: Get a free eBOOK with the right´s to sell/share and simply "sell it" for a tweet

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  • Profile picture of the author postschiffeonline
    You can get followers with following tips : -

    - Retweet other interesting and most retweet posts.
    - Follow other thats why they follow you.
    - Tweet knowledgeable and funny stuff for attract viewer's attention.
    - Give Instant reply of comments.
    - Most active on for tweet daily.

    Hope it will help you.
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