Better to just focus on FB or use as many networks as possible?

13 replies
Most websites are getting the bulk of their social traffic from facebook. I am just wondering if it is worth my time to build a following on 10 different social networks or to simply focus on building a following on facebook. Advice please?
#focus #networks
  • Profile picture of the author JosephI
    I have always had my beliefs that you would not want all your eggs in one basket, especially places that have control on your account and can suspend it at any time.

    I feel you should use the ones that suit your need best and also that suit your personality, what you're most comfortable doing and working with. Maybe 3, or 4 tops.

    However, I recently read about one of the major gurus for social media, and I can't remember her name right now, and she's been at it for quite some time, that you should put most of your energy in the one that works for you best rather than spread yourself out thin all over.
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    • Profile picture of the author socialplus
      Focus on the big 3.

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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        Try 1 first. Do that one enough until you get good at it. You will need to post multiple times a day on a consistent basis and collect some followers in order to be seen as authority enough for people to follow organically.

        These are time consuming activities if you do them right. They can bring great results, but it take some times. You can schedule your posts in advance on Facebook, use an automated poster on Twitter, but ultimately it is your voice and your ideas that people are going to respond to.

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  • Profile picture of the author DZM
    Focus on facebook until you master it, then invite your fans to your other social media profiles.

    Top social media:
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  • Profile picture of the author SunnyDelight
    I only use a select few.. Most of them intergrate with each other anyway so it's easy to manage.

    & the Secret Sauce lmfao
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  • Profile picture of the author iluvatoq
    I only use Facebook.
    I have a twitter , Pinterest account to but if i don't make money on it .. yeah

    Facebook made me about 30,000 euro last year while pinterest perhaps 10 euro

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  • Profile picture of the author badut jenaka
    If you feel comfortable with current fb traffic then you can move create another traffic channel. I will go with twitter, google+, pinterest, and instagram to bring socmed traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    IMHO it also makes sense to choose the ones right for your business (or right for your client's business)

    For trendy type business - a nightclub, music artist, local band , design firm you will want all the social networks,

    However, for small non "trendy" biz ....IMHO it is better to have a couple sites and keep them updated. Nothing looks worse than a social media site that has not been updated for months, so businesses have to be realistic about this

    I do think it is good to have at least 2 - for a salon or restaurant facebook , pinterest and instagram work well - they can upload graphics of that yummy cake or the latest hairstyle

    For an insurance agent, lawyer ,accountant - facebook and LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LOL

    Some will need more - real estate agent should be posting listings/pics on pinterest, instagram, updating facebook, and using Linked in at the very very least.

    And let's face it - for some biz, facebook alone is pretty much enough (an oil change shop for instance...nothing much to pin and who wants a selfie of a mechanic haha) however they too could make connections on LinkedIn JMO
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  • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
    Just look at all these different social media sites as options. People like to have different options, but that doesn't mean you have to get all of them. Just make sure you're using the most popular ones.

    For me I get great results with just the big 3:
    Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.
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  • Profile picture of the author axus_auto
    Focus on Facebook while doing the rest of the social networks part-time.
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmaverick
    It all depends on your niche and your target audience.
    The best aspect of FB is that you can reach out to people belonging to a myriad of demographics and interests. And that its advertising ecosystem is simply phenomenal.
    So I would suggest to keep FB as primary network. But don't ignore others and pick 2:
    twitter (if you find people conversing about your niche there)
    instagram (if your content is visually appealing)
    pinterest (if your niche encompasses women and is visually compelling)
    YouTube (ever-green. Can be used for almost every niche but you should have resources to create videos)
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  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    It also depends on how much time you have on your hands.
    What do you mean by focusing on Facebook, for instance? Posting a few updates on a facebook page takes about a few seconds It's not like you'd have to spend hours on Facebook, for one page. Same goes for the other social media websites, once you have a big number of fans, focusing on posting updates is again, a few seconds of your time
    If you want to try out more social media sites, focus today on Facebook, tomorrow on Pinterest and so on... and see how it goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author salondemaria
    I agree with the few that say it all depends on your niche and what you are selling.

    Yes, Facebook is great, but I wouldn't ignore Twitter, Pinterest (if your target market is women), and Instagram. I seem to get the most interactions from my community on Instagram.

    Whichever one you choose, make sure you post consistently and engage with people.

    What are the 7 things you should know before starting an online business? Visit my blog:

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