Can i sell products on FB

5 replies
As much like people sell their own products on Social media websites like facebook.
Can i sell other's product on fb ?
Please share your opinions
#products #sell
  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    Are you talking about Affiliate marketing? What do you mean by selling others' product.

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    • Profile picture of the author kashifriazghgh
      Originally Posted by markeeter View Post

      Are you talking about Affiliate marketing? What do you mean by selling others' product.
      Affiliate Marketing
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9849779].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fakesoul
    Yes, you can always sell on Facebook from external website or even setup you own store on Facebook.

    Here are two different examples:

    This option uses an external shop. Care to find "Shop Now" in the cover picture area.

    The second one has store right on its Facebook page.

    I had setup this for a small organic foods seller and it's working good.
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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    Yes you can do Affiliate marketing on Facebook, but i would advise you not to do it directly. On Facebook people don't like to be sold to directly. Use your Facebook page to drive traffic to a landing page, and promote your affiliate offers there.

    Having Email Deliverability issues?
    Head off to Winning Email for a free checkup!

    Looking for a freemium Social Media Manager?
    You may wanna check out DoSocial

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  • Profile picture of the author universalyoga
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    • Profile picture of the author kashifriazghgh
      Thanks to all
      Can you share with me that what kind of things /products should i sell Or what kind of things are sold more..?
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