New to YouTube and Have a Few Questions!

3 replies
So I am in the process of branding a YouTube channel, I have a few questions for anyone out there that is seasoned with YouTube.

1. Is there any bots out there that still work with generating comments, likes, dislikes, and create accounts for you?

2. Does TubeAutomater still work or is there a similiar program out there that works?

3. Is buying Views/Subscribers worth the money? If so can anyone recommend a good provider for these?

4. Promoting CPA offers in the description worth it?

5. Once I get my channel rolling and I meet the criteria to join a YouTube Network what are a few that you would recommend?

I really apperciate anyone and everyone that takes the time to help me out! Thank you so much for your time and look forward to any responses! Cheers!
#questions #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Coin30
    I answer your question step by step:

    1. No, it is not work. google very restric about this matter. if you use this your video ranking drop.
    2. I don't know about this.

    3. it's depend on your choice. today many big company also buy view, subscribe & other. if you have a nice plan. buy some view, subscribe

    4. only for your youtube chanel cpa is not good. because it's cost too much money. on my opinion care about you content & and key word it very helpful for more view. you can also make some backlink for video & chanel.

    5. I can't understand yours last question.
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    • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
      Originally Posted by Coin30 View Post

      I answer your question step by step:

      1. No, it is not work. google very restric about this matter. if you use this your video ranking drop.
      2. I don't know about this.

      3. it's depend on your choice. today many big company also buy view, subscribe & other. if you have a nice plan. buy some view, subscribe

      4. only for your youtube chanel cpa is not good. because it's cost too much money. on my opinion care about you content & and key word it very helpful for more view. you can also make some backlink for video & chanel.

      5. I can't understand yours last question.
      Of course it is still working. No problem with buying views.
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisJohnson753
    I would stay away from bots and tricking the system, CPA offers would definitely be worth it if you are getting enough traffic..
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