How to increase more genuine like of my business page

by jony1
16 replies
What is best methode to increase genuine Like & follower of our Business page???
#business #genuine #increase #page
  • Profile picture of the author rmacklyn
    Post some interactive posts in your page that would attract the people to share and more likely the likes and followers are going to get a quick hype. User engagement is most important in this aspect and that is what I believe to be an auspicious approach in getting users and people engaged.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
      Originally Posted by rmacklyn View Post

      Post some interactive posts in your page that would attract the people to share and more likely the likes and followers are going to get a quick hype. User engagement is most important in this aspect and that is what I believe to be an auspicious approach in getting users and people engaged.

      I would add also:
      Reward fans based on quantity and quality. Surprise them with free resources and tools, find some good angle that will separate you from others... and be constant, but don't be pain in the a**

      site will be soon live...

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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Originally Posted by jony1 View Post

    What is best methode to increase genuine Like & follower of our Business page???
    Run a properly targeted Facebook "like" campaign. Done right, you can get thousands of fans for under $0.20 each - sometimes less (much less).

    Once you have your fans, make sure you give them content they want so your engagement metrics remain good. With good engagement, Facebook will reward you with good "reach".
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author pororo
      If you don't have a budget for ads, focus first on your account in gaining friends that are related to your industry. Once you have enough friends, invite them to like your page.
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  • Profile picture of the author eham
    only interesting post can increase more genuine like or invite your friends to like your page
    News & Media Website
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  • Profile picture of the author zadoxis
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    • Profile picture of the author xj975
      I would look away from facebook for most businesses who do not want to use advertising, the organic reach is really terrible.

      Each platform has different benifits and behavioral patterns, the reason that some social media marketers are worth their cost is because they understand the quirks and nuances of these platforms.

      Twitter for instance has a short half life for tweets (a few seconds)
      It is extremely useful for marketing, and celebrity verticals, and one strategy is reaching out to influencers with a large following and interacting with them in a way that offers value to their audience.

      This strategy of offering value is how businesses can gain loyal real followers, figure out what your core demographic likes and give them related things, the first step is establishing a relationship, monetization comes later down the road.
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      • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
        Originally Posted by xj975 View Post

        I would look away from facebook for most businesses who do not want to use advertising, the organic reach is really terrible.
        I disagree. The screenshot below is from one of my fan pages with under 2000 fans. Notice the incredible organic reach:

        Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author Hudson White
    There are many ways of getting traffic or followers on your FB page:

    1. Invite Friends by promoting through your profile.
    2. Use email data base and send invitations to people
    3. Use content which can help build likes or have potential to be viral
    4. Boost post
    5. Join groups and post some interesting thing there to grab attention of others
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  • Profile picture of the author askhakwani
    You have to be pretty engaging with your page. Post more and more interested things on your page. Try to engage people in it so this way they will engage and interest will be maintained..
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  • Don't post stock images that communicates nothing. Use emotion-driven images, use questions, respond comments, interact with your fans.
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  • Profile picture of the author samiegardners
    Page likes are good to build fan base to interact and engage them. However, I see some limitations..

    1) Your content would be mostly serving current customers only, this will not reach new audience.

    2) There is no viral effect. Unless, the followers like and share your content, the content just stays there.

    3) Also watch out for how many follow you as opposed to just like the page. If they don't follow you then they don't see your posts on their feeds.

    So, my preference is content marketing and advocate marketing. I have seen that work like crazy.
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by samiegardners View Post

      Page likes are good to build fan base to interact and engage them. However, I see some limitations..

      1) Your content would be mostly serving current customers only, this will not reach new audience.

      2) There is no viral effect. Unless, the followers like and share your content, the content just stays there.

      3) Also watch out for how many follow you as opposed to just like the page. If they don't follow you then they don't see your posts on their feeds.

      So, my preference is content marketing and advocate marketing. I have seen that work like crazy.
      1. Incorrect. Reaching a social media audience is a great way to expand your audience via shares and likes.

      2. Incorrect. Plenty of viral content on Facebook. Even if you don't go viral, it's a great way to reach new audiences. See #1 above.

      3. Incorrect. Simply liking a page wil result in seeing content from the page you liked. Following the page just ensures you see EVERY post.

      Come on folks. You need to understand how this stuff works before advising on it.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris J
        Too many strategies can work. If you want to go for free traffic, join other people groups, post there with content that is of value. It can give likes to your page in return. But what I suggest is to go for paid promotion of your page but unless you don't add value your page can not see a great success.


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  • Profile picture of the author southcoaster
    I've generated 100,000s targeted organic Facebook fans and there is a repeatable and well-tested formula to it.

    1: Buy your first 1,000-10,000 followers using a properly targeted "like my page" ad via Facebook's own system in the countries of your target audience - US,UK, Canada,NZ, etc avoid $0.01 cheap clicks from Pakistan, Inida - these likes will damage your overall engagement. There are many tutorials avilable on buying quality, targeted fans for as little cost as possible (quick tip: "Love pickles? Like my page!", great colourful images (min 10 to test), lots of A/B testing over a few days, spend at least a few hundred dollars to drive costs down).

    2: Regularly and consistently post engaging and intractive media - images, videos, status updates and links (money links if you wish). By regularly I mean one every 1-3 hours, even every 20 minutes if you have a receptive audience. If page unlikes go up, dail it back a bit. Example of engaging content would be curated funny memes, questions in your status updates, viral videos (share Buzzfeed vids, etc), people love quizzes, challenges, tests, emotional and inspiring memes. Resharing viral videos works well - use this tool Reshare Hero - Boost Your Facebook Likes!

    3: Automate your posts. You can't have a life or any sanity if you sit on social media all day posting stuff, so use automated posting services such as Hootsuite, or learn Facebook API and CRON if you are a coder to save time.

    4: Put an annoying "like my Facebook page" pop up link on your website, it will generate hundreds of new followers each week.

    5: Be patient, don't give up. No one build millions of facebook fans overnight (unless they went massively viral, but that's very unlikely to happen these days), it takes time - months and years rather than days and weeks. Prepare to settle in for the long run and watch your fan page grow with quality, targeted and real Facebook fans who respond to your regularly posted engaging content.
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulSch
    Originally Posted by jony1 View Post

    What is best methode to increase genuine Like & follower of our Business page???
    Hit the search button above and read, read and read. Do some research for yourself and don't be so lazy.
    This has been asked and answered so many times.

    Get FREE Access To Over 180 Webmaster Training Videos here. Did I mention they are totally free?

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  • Profile picture of the author ashutoshkumar11
    Mostly a business page has been made of LinkedIn only as many professionals stay active on this site to share their views and ideas with each other. But now facebook, Twitter and other sites are also allowing to make a business profile to connect with the audience who are looking for the info regarding any online business that too without any hassle.

    If you are interesting and using innovative ideas to provide the best info to the social media site users then you will definitely get huge likes and followers for your business page quickly. Just try to update yoru info constantly.
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