Facebook advertising?

by 6 replies
I have my niche, everything about it, age, income, gender, geo-targeted, etc.. Now, I want to use facebook for advertising, not for likes... for views. Not boost this post... What course recommendations do you guys have? What "teacher" do you recommend?
#social media #advertising #facebook
  • What are you trying to accomplish? Sales? Email list? Bran awareness? AdSense clicks?
    • [1] reply
    • Hi
      I recommend Jerry Banfield course on Udemy
      He is an honest person that always update his course
      I bought his course for 10$ or 5$ (some coupons on the net)

  • Jon Loomer has a great blog about facebook marketing. I can't say anything about his paid offers, because I'm still busy with the free stuff...
  • I need to know the answer as well.
  • I would recommend social payoff insider. They focus a lot on how to write engaging copies, which is perfect if you want to stand out.
  • I don't know what exactly you mean "for advertising" ... buy you may simply create page, upload some pictures, create some posts and use facebook ads for website clicks, but remember if you will use page without any authority you will pay more for ads. Of course also depends on niche and couple more factors, but maybe we could help more if you could provide more info

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    I have my niche, everything about it, age, income, gender, geo-targeted, etc.. Now, I want to use facebook for advertising, not for likes... for views. Not boost this post... What course recommendations do you guys have? What "teacher" do you recommend?