What Social Network You Have Found To Be The Best For Massive Traffic To Your Offers ?

1 replies
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to hear experiences of different marketers on social media. What network has been consistently driving the best traffic for your offers.
To me it is Facebook. However I Know Instagram Is An Excellent Network As well. So what are your views?

Would love to hear what you did to get best results?
#found #massive #network #offers #social #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author BranTheMan
    Facebook and Twitter have been the top spots for so long for me, but now I'd have to lean towards Instagram nowadays. Many of my niches, products and services all cater to teens and people in their 20's so Instagram has been showing the best results ever since I've optimized my money sites for mobile.

    Looking forward to hearing others too. Love threads like this.

    Buyral Media Web Marketing Services.
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