Growing an audience with high-quality but infrequently updated content on a diverse set of topics

by zgall1
2 replies
I write a data journalism blog called The 10 and 3. Our goal is to tell interesting, quirky and fun stories about Canada using charts, maps and other interactive data visualization techniques.

We have produced about 15 pieces of (very) high-quality content and most it has been quite well-received. In fact, some of our posts have been read over 50 K times.

Our challenge is that every time we create a new post, we have to basically start from scratch in terms of finding our audience. We have under 200 followers on Twitter and Facebook and an email list of only around 100 addresses so our reach is not significant. It has been tough to grow this audience because our posts are on a broad range of topics and many people who are in love with a specific post may not find the rest of our posts that interesting.

I would appreciate any industry-specific (news/journalism) advice we can use to help grow our audience, specifically on Twitter and Facebook. As of now, we use Reddit and a few connections we have made with journalists to find audiences that will like our individual posts but it is a very unidimensional approach and we want to approach this challenge in a more multi-dimensional manner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
#audience #content #diverse #growing #highquality #infrequently #set #topics #updated
  • Profile picture of the author zgall1
    I noticed that my question got zero replies. Is there anyway I can restructure it to make it easier to answer?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10241456].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author san2hnl
    There's nothing wrong with your question - as a matter of fact it's one of the better ones we've had in this section in a long time. The problem is that it's a tough one to answer, and I should know because I'm in the same boat. I produce infrequent (but high quality) content as well and growing my Facebook presence has been glacial - especially since my subject matter is varied and not laser-focused on one theme or topic.

    Anyone have any tips?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10241575].message }}

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