Why people fail at Facebook Marketing ?

7 replies
1. Wrong Market
2. Wrong Offer
2. Wrong Ad
2. Wrong Target

This can be fixed quick. By following a proven system.

ONE when you are choosing a market: You need to chose a highly profitable market

Offer - must be a proven offer (CPA or whatever) - that is making other affiliates a lot of money

Ad - it must be modelled on success. Unless you are a high level copywriter and can make great ads out of thing air, you need to see what is currently working and make it better.

Target - This is where a lot of people really go wrong. They ask the wrong question - who do I think would like this product - Wrong - How do you know? - Best way is to keep it simple and target your competitors.

WHY? - they are attracting the people you want to convert to their fan page. These are your idea customers.
#facebook #fail #marketing #people
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by jjrich1 View Post

    1. Wrong Market
    2. Wrong Offer
    2. Wrong Ad
    2. Wrong Target

    This can be fixed quick. By following a proven system.

    ONE when you are choosing a market: You need to chose a highly profitable market
    Are you going to tell people how to find this market
    Offer - must be a proven offer (CPA or whatever) - that is making other affiliates a lot of money. And how do you determine if said offer is making other people money, how do you access this information

    Ad - it must be modelled on success. Unless you are a high level copywriter and can make great ads out of thing air, you need to see what is currently working and make it better. How do I know if an ad I want to model mine after is a success. How will I gain access to the analytics of these ads

    Target - This is where a lot of people really go wrong. They ask the wrong question - who do I think would like this product - Wrong - How do you know? - Best way is to keep it simple and target your competitors. Please explain how

    WHY? - they are attracting the people you want to convert to their fan page. These are your idea customers.
    This is a classic example of a post designed not to help anyone but to get people to click the posters signature. Signature pimps are one of the main reasons for the serious decline in the warrior forum today.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author alexchen23
    You go into auto-pilot mode

    Many people think facebook is a good traffic source and they use automatic tools trying to boost traffic.

    This is why the majority failed in facebook.

    You should take some time to invest the marketing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10237314].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnconnor007
    If you use adf.ly you can earn little.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Originally Posted by jjrich1 View Post

    1. Wrong Market
    2. Wrong Offer
    2. Wrong Ad
    2. Wrong Target

    This can be fixed quick. By following a proven system.

    ONE when you are choosing a market: You need to chose a highly profitable market

    Offer - must be a proven offer (CPA or whatever) - that is making other affiliates a lot of money

    Ad - it must be modelled on success. Unless you are a high level copywriter and can make great ads out of thing air, you need to see what is currently working and make it better.

    Target - This is where a lot of people really go wrong. They ask the wrong question - who do I think would like this product - Wrong - How do you know? - Best way is to keep it simple and target your competitors.

    WHY? - they are attracting the people you want to convert to their fan page. These are your idea customers.
    Why people post this kind of stuff to get clicks?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10237465].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Just report the post folks. I've already reported several.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10237975].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Just report the post folks. I've already reported several.
      I find myself reporting more posts than I comment on


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10239020].message }}

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