Facebook : Ads Manager Flagged/Disabled Issue

10 replies
Hello Guys !
I have started working on FB ads one month back..
Fb has flagged my account, disabled my ads manager. Contacted FB..but no valuable response..after 15 days I got a reply stating that my payment method(credit card) is flagged.
Then I tried it with my paypal account..It is also flagged.
Made new FB account, new campaign for promoting a Tshirt from Teespring.com again it got flagged.
I always get a basic reply "unusual activity" and then they disable my account.
Last night I made a new account, and ran the campaign of a basketball T shirt. And provided my debit card info..FB deducted the amount but no impressions and account was disabled again..

My concern is FB tracking my PC address each time I make a new account or is it because I am using the same fan page which I used in my previous FB accounts?

Please guide!
#ads #facebook #flagged or disabled #issue #manager
  • Profile picture of the author globalexperts
    You would need to use a new payment method. In other words, you would need a new credit card. You can't use the old payment method associated with your banned account.
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    • Profile picture of the author Edelis
      The same with my accounts. Different paymetn method doesn't help. I have a lot of payment methods, especially paypal, in the past I was using different browsers but now it's also doesn't help. Have you solved your problem?
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Can we please stop giving out advice on how to circumvent the TOS of businesses? If you want that kind of info, go over to BHW.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author ramrawat
      Well it wasn't my intent to circumvent the TOS. But I wanted few words of caution on what not to do to avoid flagging of my new credit card.
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  • Profile picture of the author SavyFBguy
    FB will flag accounts with CC from previous flagged accounts. Also they can track your IP as well. I suggest using a proxy. Even better method, set up a new FB account and page (your friends for example) on a Virtual Machine, set the proxy, make sure date and time is set to pacific, open up FB in chrome, play a game like candy crush for a few minutes and then make an in game purchase for like .99 cents. it will prompt for a payment in which then you can ad the MOP. Then proceed to make your page and warm the account over the course of several days. boost a post at 5 dollars for 3 days or so then make a click bait ad in the power editor for another 3 days or so. If CC spends then you should be good to go
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  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    Ok, I had one time a problem with FB advertising in the beginning. This because I work partly from the Ukraine.

    What I did I wrote an email and within 24 hours I got a reply with answers.
    Within 2 days all was solved.

    Then one time I could not pay with my credit card or PayPal, Still I had to pay FB book over 200$ from advertisements I did in the month before.

    I wrote them and within 24 hours, I got an email back. 3 days later I paid and all went fine again.

    FB looks at you, your friends, your country, your history in payments and what you try to sell.
    From this, they make a risk profile of you.
    In my opinion, if you're for real, have normal friends and try to do normal business, all will be fine.

    If your profile, your friends, country and business are a bit strange, they avoid you.

    FB loves to make money from you, but they are smart and try to avoid misty deals and persons.

    Best for you is, to restart your profile and build trust with FB.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kashif Saif
      @ allegandro this is very valuable response from your side, I have question If i am managing my clients FB account and he's location is US, what should I do to not been flagged or disable my clients FB account?I am facing the same issue right now...
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    • Profile picture of the author rich silverhero
      Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

      Ok, I had one time a problem with FB advertising in the beginning. This because I work partly from the Ukraine.

      What I did I wrote an email and within 24 hours I got a reply with answers.
      Within 2 days all was solved.

      Then one time I could not pay with my credit card or PayPal, Still I had to pay FB book over 200$ from advertisements I did in the month before.

      I wrote them and within 24 hours, I got an email back. 3 days later I paid and all went fine again.

      FB looks at you, your friends, your country, your history in payments and what you try to sell.
      From this, they make a risk profile of you.
      In my opinion, if you're for real, have normal friends and try to do normal business, all will be fine.

      If your profile, your friends, country and business are a bit strange, they avoid you.

      FB loves to make money from you, but they are smart and try to avoid misty deals and persons.

      Best for you is, to restart your profile and build trust with FB.
      I hope you don't mind sharing FB's email address? I am facing the same problem too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumon2k7
    You IP address may be have some problem. Change the internet IP and also try using different payment method.
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