5 newbie friendly tips to start making money on Facebook

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1. Make a Facebook page name with your Brand/Business Name-Facebook page

DUH! Now this should be an absolute no brainer, and if it's not, no comment. Your Facebook page name is what you are known by. It also plays a crucial role in helping you be found easily on search engines and the Facebook search bar. If you are not using your brand name as your Facebook page name, THEN START RIGHT AWAY OR MAKE A NEW FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WITH YOUR BRAND NAME.

If you already made a Facebook account for your company with a name other than your company name, changing it is really easy to do, you can edit the "basic page information" and rename it with your brand name. To assure you are getting the most visibility, refrain from using abbreviations of your company name. If you have already been in business for a bit and have an existing customer base, don't be afraid to leverage your existing customer base. It only makes sense, if you already have loyal customers why would you not tell them about your new Facebook Page?

2. Make a S*** TON of Content - But only the good stuff

The content you create can be in the form of pretty much anything. If you have a website about your service then write blogs posts/articles that you can link to. You can also create books and videos about your topic or niche. You can also leverage other social media sites to promote your Facebook page (Youtube videos linking to your page, Slideshare presentations linking to your page, etc.) Try to make sure you keep your Facebook page updated regularly with compelling content that informs your target audience as well as keeps them engaged.

Also if any of your audience responds to an article or a post - RESPOND! You need to stay engaged with your customers! Who wouldn't want to see the CEO of a company personally reply to a comment they made?

3. Create SPECIFIC GOALS for your fanpage

Why did you create this Facebook Page? Who is your target audience? Obviously it is to promote your business but is it to help you get more customers? Do you need to drive sales? Is it to create a wider net and expand your brand reputation? While all these goals ultimately lead to the same outcome >>> MORE MONEY, there are different and specific things you need to do to for each one and having a specific goal in mind will help you focus and crush that aspect.


Are your ads converting? Is one ad converting better than the other? Is there a demographic that certain ads seem to convert better for? Are you split testing your ads? These are all things you should be tracking if you really want to take your marketing game up another notch. There are multiple marketing tools you can use to help you out in this regard.

4. Get a FU** ton of fans - Keep providing those fans with value

There are a number of ways to get fans, from the black hat methods (buying clearly fake fb fans) to the white hat (providing useful info that people want to share). When I said create content, I said that because that's what works! What will there be for your fans to share if you aren't giving them anything to read? Why would they be fans of your page in the first place if you gave them no value?

A couple more tips when creating content:

-Always, and I repeat, ALWAYS, make your content shareable. Easily sharable. Talk
about the content being shareable somewhere at the end of the post, article, etc.

-Only create or send out content that is useful. If you wouldn't find the information useful yourself, why are you sharing it to someone you are supposed to be helping?

-Make a sweepstakes or contest. You can do this in many different ways and formats but they are very successful. You can create a contest where people get entered into a drawing for sharing your link. It's a win-win for you and the customer. You get free traffic to all of their Facebook friends and they get a chance to win something valuable from you.


5. Automate

Are you consistently posting valuable content? Are you making sure to engage with your friends? Once you get to the point where you know what you are doing and can do it successfully, it is time to automate as many of the processes that you can. Schedule all of your Facebook posts in advance. By this point you will know what works and what dosen't work. There are numerous free and paid software out there that work great for automating your Facebook posts. Get one and use it to make the process you started scale up so you are continually adding new fans.

Some Facebook automation tools that are good are: Buffer, Hootsuite, Post Planner, etc. It is extremely easy to find paid or free tools, just google it.

Pro Tip - At this point (maybe even sooner) I would suggest using paid ads to get traffic to your page.

Pro Tip - Take Action!
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