New FREE way to get 1000's of facebook page likes

11 replies
I don't think this has been posted (yes, I did a search), so I'll share it here...

Here is a really cool way to get hundreds or even thousands of new likes to your page:

Facebook now has given the option of "inviting" anyone that has liked/shared any of your posts before. Simply go back to that post's likes/shares and click "invite" to invite people.

This is a major win for those of you looking to grow your fb pages with very little to no money.

Go for it now because who knows how long this is going to last.

Don't forget to thank me. Merci.
#facebook #free #likes #page
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel1000
    Not new bust still useful if you didn't know about it before so thanks on the behalf of others

    What happens after you drive traffic to a page? How do you convert them to customers? Take our free email course to find out how to attract and convert more customers.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    That's cool. Thank for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Daniel, this is not new?? Since when have you known about this?

    This is the first time I've seen this and in a few hours I've gotten hundreds of new likes across my fb pages. It really works well to gain more traction.

    Anyways, it's new for me and it's working quite well. ; )
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  • Profile picture of the author 24INVEST
    I have done many Facebook pages. For first 10000 likes i use a different free strategy, but outside of Facebook itself. (to create social proof). Then I use Facebook ads to get high quality likes and traffic.
    But the best likes will come from engaging with your existing audience and give value to your followers.
    One of my pages is still getting up to 500 likes per day, from one quality post per day.
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    • Profile picture of the author accofranco
      Originally Posted by 24INVEST View Post

      I have done many Facebook pages. For first 10000 likes i use a different free strategy, but outside of Facebook itself. (to create social proof). Then I use Facebook ads to get high quality likes and traffic.
      But the best likes will come from engaging with your existing audience and give value to your followers.
      One of my pages is still getting up to 500 likes per day, from one quality post per day.
      Please do share your own free way of getting facebook page likes, I really want to grow my facebook fan page pls; I have very limited funds for advert now, pls helpm thanks in anticipation of your kind gesture
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  • Profile picture of the author accofranco
    Originally Posted by Chris Chicas View Post

    I don't think this has been posted (yes, I did a search), so I'll share it here...

    Here is a really cool way to get hundreds or even thousands of new likes to your page:

    Facebook now has given the option of "inviting" anyone that has liked/shared any of your posts before. Simply go back to that post's likes/shares and click "invite" to invite people.

    This is a major win for those of you looking to grow your fb pages with very little to no money.

    Go for it now because who knows how long this is going to last.

    Don't forget to thank me. Merci.
    Can one invite people who have liked his post on another of his facebook page to like a new facebook page?
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
      @Accofranco, I do not believe such thing would be possible, but you can always post messages to that fb page telling them you have a new page and to follow you there. And doing some post boosting to that post would help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
    nice tip - didn't know this one - many thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsray
    I just started doing this recently myself, it has helped grow my page likes
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  • Profile picture of the author Bacharoun
    this is great!! thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    To anyone searching for a "free" method to get 100's of free likes... please don't waste your time chasing these hyped up claims. 99.9 of them are fake, and you would be better getting a part time job, and applying that money to pay for fb clicks in a smart way... rather than going from "secret" to "secret"

    Targeted traffic is not expensive on fb, all you have to do is master the art of fb advertising and seeing what works best for your business. And do have a business, don't be a one trick pony with your offers, or even your advertising.
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