Focus on making content or sharing content?

14 replies
I run a corporate massage company, and I try to market a little bit on social media.

I follow some blogs on twitter and FB who posts a lot of valuable content. What I really wanna do is just copy paste the pictures, and make my own posts in my own language. But that´s illegal I guess, even if I´m in another country. Really dont wanna get a lawsuit.

So I figured I can do two things. I can just share the content on my business page and add some text in my own language (live in scandinavia so english text isnt a problem, but I think it looks cleaner with posts in native language)

It is allowed to just copy paste the link in my newsfeed and add a hearder in my own language? As long as I link to the page the article is written - EVEN if that page again is sharing it from yet another page?


I can buy a design programme, buy pictures and make similar infographics myself..which would take ALOT of time and I´m really not going to become a designer..

Any thoughts on what I should focus on here?
#content #focus #making #sharing
  • Profile picture of the author richardZ
    Sharing content and making content both are good. Making content gives unique content to your business page whereas when you share content of others with your own text definitely makes difference. Because it may happen that that content has been already read by your page readers. But something new will be the best for your business page readers.

    You can also do one thing is that read good article and based on it write your content related to your business which will also help to attract your business page readers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
      Originally Posted by richardZ View Post

      Sharing content and making content both are good. Making content gives unique content to your business page whereas when you share content of others with your own text definitely makes difference. Because it may happen that that content has been already read by your page readers. But something new will be the best for your business page readers.

      You can also do one thing is that read good article and based on it write your content related to your business which will also help to attract your business page readers.
      But how on earth do I make quick easy infographics?
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  • You can either share and after that edit the caption on the content you are sharing, or you can place (C) on the post and tag the original source/page of the content. I think that works just fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    Honestly, when it comes to creating and sharing content, it's always best to have the content first and then share it. If you're good at writing, you can use the sites/blogs you read for inspiration and create your own articles. Also, you should add the link to the source, even if it's in English.
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  • Profile picture of the author amobichuks
    Making content and sharing content is like bread and butter. If your business website is not traffic injected, your 3 hours neat posts become a waste of time and brain. You could write a wonderful service descriptions then garnish them with persuasive minds of checking back your website for some related services.
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  • If you want to make simple infographics quickly, you can try using Canva.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
    Thanks a lot guys/girls.

    I´ll be doing both

    I actually found Canvas, and thats a great free programme.

    I was trying to find out how to make a image into a hyperlink?

    I mean, I make the image (jpg or gnp) in canvas with a link to my Facebook, and I tweet it. But when I click the image, it only goes full screen in twitter. I want it to take me to my facebook page. How do I do that???
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  • Profile picture of the author fredi
    I think both are equally important. First of all you have create high quality, unique, informative content which will help you to bring traffic. Then it also important that you share this content from where you can get targeted traffic. So if you want to get good result you have to perform both part effectively.

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  • Profile picture of the author zarrylopez
    Both are absolutely important.

    You have to create a good content that is really worth sharing.

    If you're thinking of duplicating other's work make sure you ask permission to the owner. It's for them to decide.
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  • Profile picture of the author BobRobin
    I think that both, making content and sharing content are very important!
    But you have to ctreate unique, original and useful content. But you can also sharing with people some interesting articles and other content!
    Also you can create a Facebook book of the company to promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
    Thanks alot people.

    I really enjoy, and have allready made some content. Really easy and fast. Recomend it
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  • Profile picture of the author privege21
    Great post guys, speaking of video content does anyone know of app/program that will allow me to caption the words & emoji on the top and bottom while the video plays in the middle on social media post?
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  • Profile picture of the author DenniseTan
    Both are good, as long as what you're sharing is beneficial to your business and to your audience. I also believe that creating your own content will help you build your identity to your audience. That way, they will remember you well.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    Both are very important, however, you should try to focus on making quality content first, then sharing them. If your content is enough to word of mouth, it's automatically share by another guys and you don't need to do that
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