YouTube Streaming: Ranks but gone in 72 hrs?

by Melody
2 replies
There have been several recent product launches (large and small) based on ranking on Google and YouTube with 'live streaming'.

We've done quite a lot of testing with this over the past month, and so far, it seems that the rankings disappear after about 72 hours.

Has anyone else had better luck with this method?

#hrs #ranks #streaming #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    It's not a long term strategy. All those people selling products about this know that too but they don't tell you of course. And that's why they are selling bogus courses about it instead of using it to make money themselves.

    The only reason for a live streaming video to rank well compared to a regular uploaded video is because people might want to see it right when it is happening. After it is over, it becomes no more important than any other video so it ends up losing any advantage it had and will drop off soon after. When it does work, it's only good for a short term boost.
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    • Profile picture of the author Melody
      Originally Posted by JC Web View Post

      It's not a long term strategy. All those people selling products about this know that too but they don't tell you of course. And that's why they are selling bogus courses about it instead of using it to make money themselves.

      The only reason for a live streaming video to rank well compared to a regular uploaded video is because people might want to see it right when it is happening. After it is over, it becomes no more important than any other video so it ends up losing any advantage it had and will drop off soon after. When it does work, it's only good for a short term boost.
      Thanks! Exactly my thinking and mirrors our real-world experience. And you are right - everyone is jumping on the band wagon with these courses right now - and the buyers are in for a nasty surprise unless someone has some secret sauce that we are missing!

      Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
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