25 replies
My main source of traffic is FB ads. It's been going great for me. I just want to ask anyone with experience testing other paid traffic sources.

Like for example reddit advertising or Google Adwords. Whats a solid secondary traffic source that you would recommend?
#sources #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Diskretni
    Google Adwords is pretty decent.
    "Grind now, relax later!" - Me
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  • Profile picture of the author memogli
    Originally Posted by TheZafraGroup View Post

    My main source of traffic is FB ads. It's been going great for me. I just want to ask anyone with experience testing other paid traffic sources.

    Like for example reddit advertising or Google Adwords. Whats a solid secondary traffic source that you would recommend?
    This is totally depends upon the nature of your business, see if your business related to products like gifts, clothing etc then you have to Display advertisement, but if it is service related then definitely prefer Adwords search network. For Reddit advertisment I'm not sure as never work on it and never heared that people like to advertise on reddit.
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  • You should try Google Adwords. It is great source of traffic. But first of this you have to choose proper keywords and best suitable area to target your audience. Choose right placements is also necessary.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Pearl
    I can recommend Twitter. Yes, it really gives you the decent traffic. If your tweet and sharing photos are really interesting like gossips,offers, happens,controversy etc., then the traffic will be huge!
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineearning
    I tried google adwords but didnt get enough traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author mdmishu
    i always love bing ads .. its cost is little bit low but audience is tier 1 country like USA , Canada ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Reimaru
    Try posting it on Stumbleupon too. I use it sometimes, and a few of my posts go viral. It should NOT be your main strategy though as it's very inconsistent (you need lots of luck for the traffic to work).

    Aside from those, paid Facebook Ads worked well for me. I haven't tried AdWords though, but I'm interested.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
      Originally Posted by Reimaru View Post

      Try posting it on Stumbleupon too. I use it sometimes, and a few of my posts go viral. It should NOT be your main strategy though as it's very inconsistent (you need lots of luck for the traffic to work).

      Aside from those, paid Facebook Ads worked well for me. I haven't tried AdWords though, but I'm interested.
      Thank you. FB Ads is my main source. Looking for other gateways. Do you have any ideas/experience with Reddit Ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author Adria Fontana
    Use Stumbleupon, Reddit, Pinterest, its free source of getting target traffic. I would also suggest trying Google Adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author angelinagertz
    Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, StumbleUpon, Tumbler is a best traffic sources website..
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  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    For traffic:

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  • Profile picture of the author simitch
    yeah you are right. Facebook is the best for mini sales or bring traffic. I also used twitter which is also work well for me. For big outcome.actually if you have services to offer then best is google. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Ronald Ramsay
    Google Adwords is excellent. Target the right keywords, locations and/or placements to attract visitors who are actively searching for your product or service.
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  • You get huge traffic from Google Adwords while ads locally and attract customers with the products that they're searching for.
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  • Profile picture of the author TouchDownAsia
    Facebook is best way to get daily traffic.You can get huge traffic with Facebook paid ads and also some other paid service. Its become best source of traffic nowdays because most of people using Facebook in their daily lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author sprucevn
    1. Google
    2. Facebook
    3. Forum
    4. Blog post
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  • Profile picture of the author Beth Wilson
    Google ads are pretty good. However they have a lot of strict rules.
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  • Profile picture of the author bleght
    Don't forget about the good old Bing. The fact that nobody is mentioning it also means the competition might be lower and you might get away with getting some cheaper traffic. Also there are still coupon codes that might work there.
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  • Profile picture of the author wayne3612
    Depending on what you're promoting and your budget with people seem to forget free was YouTube forums and blogging paid out you can't do better than bing but it does take some work
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  • Profile picture of the author florahelenyi
    For free traffic you can post your pages on StumbleUpon.

    It can reach a lot of people, but of course (especially in the beginning) it might not reach as many people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikassinha1992
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  • Profile picture of the author Mairaj
    Well i have tried to share both free and paid methods for getting traffic for your websites or blogs.

    Free Traffic Sources

    1. Quora my all time favorite indeed i am getting good traffic from it.

    2. Yahoo answers.

    3. Forums posting.

    4. Article directories like Ezine, Articlebase

    5. Scoop.it, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Mysapce, Google +, Facebook these social media platforms also help you out to increase website traffic.

    Paid Traffic Sources

    Bing ads, Google Adwords, Video PPC, Solo Ads, Email Marketing

    If you want to generate massive traffic and make money from your blog. Must Visit Etutorialblog which make it easy for you to learn online through video tutorials.

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  • Profile picture of the author angelinagertz
    Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, StumbleUpon is a best social media site and best way of get more traffic and visitor your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author saurabhthakur12
    Which platform is best it completely depends on your service/product.

    I don't know why you prefer paid traffic. If you want free traffic then focus on Stumbleupon, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest etc. These are best sites for driving the traffic to your blog.
    If you want paid traffic then Google AdWord is best.
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