How to build a solid following on Twitter?

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There is no such thing as a magic formula for getting more followers on Twitter. In fact, even the influencers and big brands on Twitter build their following by trying different methods and correcting them when something goes wrong. That said, here are a few tips that are useful for growing your followers:
1.Engage with your audience: Have you defined your niche? Have you located your targeted audience? If so, start engaging with them! RT their posts, chat with them about topics that interest them, focus on making high-quality engagement and adding value so they remember you and decide to follow you. In my experience, a good idea for this is to block one or two hours in your schedule every day, in which your only task is to enter Twitter and engage.
2.Build yourself a solid reputation: Social Media is all about reputation. You need to think in these terms, and everything you do must be a part of a plan for having a good reputation. Do you have a blog? If so, make some interesting articles about your niche, share them in Twitter, and ask your audience to share them as well. This will create a chain that gets your content to new people, and will improve your online reputation.
Once you have a good reputation, your following will grow because people are hearing about you, or because they've read one of your articles. But to get to this point you need to work as hard as you can.
3.Get involved in Trending Topics: Trending Topics are a great conversation that takes place every day. A very big audience is waiting for you there, don't make them wait too long. Here’s a good way to get in on Trending Topics. Everyday at morning and night, check out what the current trending topics are and contribute to them with valuable content or comments. It’s a great place to engage with new users, too. But be careful, this doesn't mean you should engage with all the trending topics in there. Only partake in the ones most related to your niche, or any that you can add value to.
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