Am I running the risk of getting kicked out of FB by having more than one profile?

by Amazin
7 replies
I have a personal and a business profile. FB obviously want everyone to have authentic profiles but I see people with 2 or even 3 profiles sometimes. Some of my friends have 2 profiles as well.

I have a business page as well, FB will tell you to have a page instead of a profile but the problem with that is that you can't post in groups and engage with people.

I don't want to get into trouble of course and part of me worried that one of my profiles might get deleted.
#kicked #profile #risk #running
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    I have 2 by mistake (forgot a login years and years ago) but now only work with one. So why not do the same?

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    No it wont be a problem unless you manage too many profiles. Just a few can be neglected easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Am I running the risk of getting kicked out of FB by having more than one profile?

    Answer: Facebook said => Maintaining multiple accounts, regardless of the purpose, is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Use. If you already have a personal account, then we cannot allow you to create business accounts for any reason. You can manage all the Pages and Facebook Ads that you create on your personal account.
    but i still think you can you use 2 FB account on same computer, but for safety reasion you can use two different browser or two different computer.
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  • Profile picture of the author CabaMate
    Why don't you set up or move the profile so that you set up the business via your personal account - just add users/admin and you can have it all in one.

    It's pretty simple to do this.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amazin
      sorry I don't get you, setup/move my profile to where?
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  • Profile picture of the author apache421
    There are two answers in this situation. One is that yes you can easily deceive them by using multiple accounts at the same time but obviously more than two will be suspicious. But what I do not understand here is that why you would need multiple accounts with the extensive privacy control options on Facebook. You sure can manage your business related posts and pages with your personal account. If you want to stay on the right track then you should get rid of the extra account as Facebook policy clearly states that keeping and maintaining multiple accounts no matter why you would do that is against their policy.
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  • Profile picture of the author adamcurran
    I wouldn't even risk it, particularly if you're using Facebook for business. There would be nothing worse than building up a following and finding out that all your hard work is undone in the click of a button by the Facebook powers that be. What you need to remember is that Facebook own all of your content on all of your pages, profiles and groups and they're well within their rights to take it all back just like that. Why do you have so many accounts? I think that they're more than equipped to deal with business and personal needs and you should respect their rules and follow them or suffer the consequences.
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