Facebook ads are awesome.

20 replies
- NOT.

I don't like getting them myself.
I wouldn't use social platform to advertise to people.

Social platforms are for fun, pics & awesome comments.
#ads #awesome #facebook
  • Profile picture of the author Drake Nicholson
    Yes , I like facebook advertising . I've used for 1 year and I am so grateful that it helps me a lot .
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  • Profile picture of the author Junaid khawaja
    Facebook Ads have quickly become the no.1 platform for businesses and startups. They are best for lead generation, and even great for brand awareness.
    The ability to use visuals, and video ads and the best targeting possible is what makes this medium the best of the best.

    Here's what I have learned by running FB ads for a year now:
    1. The ad should be bite-size. No long stories. And "see more" option that demands extra effort from your readers.
    2. It must stir controversy - whenever possible.
    3. You must engage with your prospect in the comments under the Ad. Don't leave it to rust. Also, make sure your comments are in the same tone as your Ad's copy.


    I am conducting 5 FREE copy consultations till New Year...Jump onto my bandwagon while you still can..

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  • Profile picture of the author mieto1969
    i agree with You OP .Facebook helps earn me money


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  • Profile picture of the author rodol
    Facebook ads is one of the best or The BEST ppc advertising method, is has everything.
    And best of all is that almost the whole world is on facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Yes i like facbook add too and its shows great result to me.
    If you have neither a list nor a big enough Facebook following, you can still create a Lookalike Audience using a tracking pixel to create a Website Custom Audience to mirror.
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  • Profile picture of the author Akbarint
    Facebook advertising is the best for business promotion to get online.
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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I have not previously used Facebook ads. What sort of budget would someone need to get started. Do you get like Google ads any free credit when you purchase advertising?
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    • Profile picture of the author javrsmith
      Originally Posted by posinfo1 View Post

      I have not previously used Facebook ads. What sort of budget would someone need to get started. Do you get like Google ads any free credit when you purchase advertising?
      You should start with a low budget, $5 a day or less per ad.
      There is no free credit available for advertising.
      I picked up a good course "Penny Click Academy" which I see has gone up to $47. There is still a way to get it for $1 and keep it for $25, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author thefactory
    Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms for the optimization of your business. Make attractive ads of your business and promote it via Facebook. Then just wait to see the outcomes.
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  • Profile picture of the author DenniseTan
    Yes. I agree. Facebook ads has been doing great for my business. Good thing I found a really good graphic artist. It's a plus to have a nice image on your ads.
    online casino
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  • Profile picture of the author BatmanGotham
    Oh, yes, it is one of the best advertising channels hegemony in the world, and I also love to use it
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  • Profile picture of the author eComCoder
    When it comes to targeting accuracy, facebook dominates this market by a mile. All the information that people publish about themselves, their behavior, interests all of that can be targeted and it's very lucrative if done right.
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  • Yes they are fantastic. People earn money through facebooks ads.
    Personally I run facebook ad campaigns on behalf of my employer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Funtobesocial
    Absolutely! Facebook advertising is great! We live in an amazing age for marketing!

    Now that we have all this great social media marketing and search marketing I don't know how businesses survived 10+ years ago.... lol It seems so ancient the ways businesses had to advertise not that long ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author AkashBorah
    Yes, I like Facebook advertising . I've used for 6 year and I am so grateful that it helps me a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author JaP0ni
    Hello Guys i have isuus when i try to creat a ads on fb it's video views but when i click place Order i recive this : We found 1 error.
    Account is not qualified to create a CPA ad: This account has been created too recently, or spends too little to be eligible for CPA ad creation ??
    Any help please
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  • Profile picture of the author Shin Wilson
    Yeah , I like facebook advertising and it helps in promoting business through online..
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  • Profile picture of the author belikethat
    Not everything. There are people who post gruesome images just to campaign for something o may it business, advocacy, or religious things. There are those who misuse facebook to satisfy their craziness.
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  • Profile picture of the author AMSuccessProgram
    For brands, submitting on Facebook alone is not enough anymore -- especially for for your just getting started. It's true that you can toss cash at your attempts to push visitors to your own Facebook Webpage and send them for your site, but that only works if you're smart about it.
    Anthony Morrison the self-taught internet marketing guru.
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  • Profile picture of the author frank jagger
    Yeah FB ads are amazing if you know what are you doing. I managed to get $0.001 per post engagement and with only $4 spend earned over $400 while testing
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  • Profile picture of the author ambetravels
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