How to make selfpromotion and not be a spammer

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Promote yourself. Sounds bad right? Self-promotion has almost as bad image as spam. We do not usually like the subject and no one dares to say that he has already tried it. If you do, it is because you are not a good marketer and you offer a low quality product or service. Otherwise they would be hiring you and you would not have to promote yourself. It really is that?

Three types of promotions that help you sell more

Imagine the times you would not have tied in your life if instead of selling you would have expected that your target audience will contact you, without you making any kind of approach. None of us will be the next Google or Microsoft. Viral marketing does not exist for normal companies. A good product is not sold alone and needs three types of promotion.

1. Third-Party Promotion Paid: In this case we are talking about all life advertising. It does not matter whether online or offline. We choose different media and media that serve as loudspeakers so that more people from our target audience know about our existence.

2. Indirect promotion through content: content marketing has gained much in popularity because through the Internet all of us can open a blog. Although the cost does not have to be high in the end it is not that easy either. This type of promotion works in the medium term because brands and companies gain in notoriety by sharing non-commercial content that is of interest to their potential customers.

3. Self-promotion by own channels: self-promotion can be a simple tweet where you talk about yourself or your company. The newsletter is also a way to do it that is better accepted by the user as long as you have done the right things by sending it only to those people who have given you their consent to do so.

With the growing popularity of social networks have been created in the past some controversies around paid advertising as the attempt to enter the banner. If the paid promotion is bad, self-promotion has to be like the real Satan. To make things right, you must also understand the risks involved.

Why selfpromotion can be a suicide for your online reputation

Self-promotion is not the solution to your problems. It may just be an additional element of a marketing strategy with the basics put. If you base your activities solely on the selfpromotion is equivalent to a suicide in the present and in the future. Even with respect to the rules of the game you run some risks.

You could rightly qualify as a spammer if all you do is promote your own products and services.
Even if you do things well you will be criticized for promoting yourself openly.
You can be excluded from forums or you are suspended your account if you go overboard.
How to make your products and services self-promotion the right way

All in good time. You can not start with selfpromotion without having passed a qualifying phase and taking into account some rules of behavior. Otherwise your attempts will end in a suicide because you will be labeled as a spammer.

1. You have to contribute value in a first step: if you move in social networks initially you have to share value-added content. It is important that they are not commercial in nature.

2. Improve your online reputation: Sharing content is a part of the job. Creating a digital reputation does not happen from today to tomorrow. You have to build confidence so that your commercial offer is backed by a positive experience with you in the past.

3. Respect the environment: it does not matter if you are on Twitter, Facebook or in a niche forum. Each environment has its rules and netiquette that in some occasions are even written.

4. Take care of the frequency: as a basic rule you can publish 1-2 commercial content about 10. The focus has to be on those tweets, posts, videos, etc. That they do not serve you of selfpromotion.

5. Do not fool the user: one falls easily into this trap. When you share promotional content make sure it is known in advance that it is marked and titled as is.

6. It brings value even when you promote: when you launch a promotion, "pack" it with added value content. E.g. You can mention your products and services in a post whenever the context allows.

What are your tips for a successful self-promotion? Have you ever had some problem in your accounts for making too much selfpromotion?
#make #selfpromotion #spammer

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