Tips to Grow Twitter Followers

23 replies
Hi all,

I have instagram going pretty well, my account is only a few days old and I already have 48 followers and continue to increase as I like related images, those people check my profile like my pictures and then follow me.

I am trying to work on twitter, I only have 7 followers and I'm not really sure how to increase without following a lot of people.

Please add tips ect,

#followers #grow #tips #twitter
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10996408].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kevin2018
      Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

      Does retweeting attract followers?
      Yes. Also make your tweet interesting and informative.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tesslady
    You can opt for the paid ad option. BUT, as for me, I link my Twitter account (for IM purposes) on my personal account, as I have gained much followers through the years. In doing so, I just invite more and more followers daily.

    So, if you have built quite a long list of Twitter followers on your personal account, you can use it to promote your other account as well. But, if otherwise, you can stick to the follow/unfollow method, and continue tweeting relevant posts.

    Good luck!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10996410].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author surfer30

    I have Used These Two Tools To Grow My Twitter Followers from Zero To Over Ten Thosuands.

    Using Tweepi and manageflitter. You can Follow Targeted people In Your Niche and also Unfollow people who don't Follow you.

    Wait This is Not Enough. it is not alwys about Getting Followers But about what Value You deliver To Those People. Having Good content and Images Is a way to make people click and Read

    Hope This help
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    Go to Tweepi and grow real people targeted followers.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Use their search feature and put your keyword in quotation marks for exact and network with people. Follow them, send them a tweet... Contact 10 to 20 people per day!
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You don't need followers. You need to make sales.

    I personally don't like Twitter and the concept of getting followers to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Hartley
    When I first joined I thought who's going to follow me?! But I was told to follow others and they'll generally follow back which has happened. You get suggested people to follow, so I check their profile first and if I like it I'll follow. Keep adding interesting and valuable tweets and you'll gain more followers.
    Hope this helps, Lisa Hartley
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Use a PROVOCATIVE picture

    and LIKE LIKE LIKE away based on NICHE-specificity

    What is LIKING on Twitter? Click the HEART icon on their tweet

    You can also try HASHTAG JACKING

    Just make sure the hashtags you jack are closely related to your target niche
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    1. Providing Value in Your Posts
    2- Communicate and Get Involved (retweet and like)
    3- Make the Most of Your Profile ( That`s the most important one)
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  • Profile picture of the author Julio
    Follow members of your own niche. Once you have a good amount then you will get followers. It's happening to me I'm following 150 members and There's 72 following me in domain names.

    I have blocked a few people that I think are spamming.
    Signature Marketplace!
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  • Profile picture of the author scull79
    Be consistent with your tweets, set a goal per week of how many tweets you will post per week, then increase that number every week...slowly you will gain more organic followers.

    Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOTOOLSCENTRE
    Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

    Hi all,

    I have instagram going pretty well, my account is only a few days old and I already have 48 followers and continue to increase as I like related images, those people check my profile like my pictures and then follow me.

    I am trying to work on twitter, I only have 7 followers and I'm not really sure how to increase without following a lot of people.

    Please add tips ect,

    Follow others to grow your followers on twitter or try the social follower enhancing site like add me fast.
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  • Profile picture of the author incomeindaycom
    Using Tweepi and manageflitter Will Help You Get targeted Twitter Followers But that"s not enough you need to have Good Content In Your Blog to help Those twitter Followers to engage with you
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    All of the above is good. I agree with the guy who said make sales instead of followers. That being said, sometimes you can leverage popular people on twitter. Follow influential people and retweet their stuff as well as sending out great tweets of your own. If you feature one of the "big dogs" or their products and tag them in the tweet. This can attract their ego to you and may suggest something else you suggest. I.E. if you are an affiliate of one of their products or if you sell something that they might recommend they may retweet it to their many followers...
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    What worked for me was simply posting daily.

    However, I must say that this was in a very broad niche, so this may be why simply posting worked well for me.

    Hope this Helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author modesign77
    1. Follow people who may be interested in your business niche. (Follow the followers of your competitiors)
    2. Post consistently.
    3. Engage with your followers.

    That's all. Simple and easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author satotravel
    Your post must be good and attractive for users. Open any person profile and click on followers and send request to his followers request for follow you.
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  • Profile picture of the author himaja
    In-order to increase more followers on twitter, We have to do the following things.
    1. Tweet Regularly.
    2. The Tweets Should be useful to your Followers.
    3. Follow the People in your Niche Industry.
    4. Engagement/Interaction Should be there with your Followers.
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  • To increase twitter followers my advice would be
    1]follow 10 new twitter influencers everyday from your niche category; preferably but not necessarily verified accounts
    2]keep track of your twitter activity in an excel workbook; followed accounts, etc (google sheets)
    3]your following will increase as you keep following other users, unfollow those users whom you followed after a month.

    This way your following will increase and you won't have to follow un-necessary users.
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  • Profile picture of the author martindam33
    Good content
    Follow your niche
    Mention people on your tweets
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  • Profile picture of the author obidisocial
    Following targeted users in your niche and geographical area (for local businesses) is a great start. Manageflitter is a great tool for this.

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    Join the IMHacks Facebook Community!

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