Is it legal to make contact b2b on facebook messenger?

12 replies
I run a web-directory with therapists, and I just tried to contact a therapist (her page) worked. She was interested. Seems like an awesome way to get my guess is that it´s illegal?
#b2b #contact #facebook #legal #make #messenger
  • Profile picture of the author holy56
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    • Profile picture of the author ciaral
      Originally Posted by holy56 View Post

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  • Profile picture of the author TMets5
    I don't know why it would be illegal, if you can find interested prospects with this method sounds like a good idea to stick with it consistently
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  • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Jibran
    I don't think it violates any facebook rules or guidelines, neither international law of criminal justice so relax
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
    Thanks guys.

    No limit on how many to send to per day neither?
    Why dont i see this as a suggestion on how to get customers on various youtube videos about sales and marketing? I cant find anything about it..

    I´ve sent out 10 messages now, took me 1 minute and I got 2 new customers..
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    • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Jibran
      you have created your own strategy that actually works..... you can make a video to educate people.... do provide me a link of your video ... i would certainly love to see how u perform....
      its good to see that u came up with your own idea to increase your sales... welldone
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
    Well thanks..but I´m just a rookie. I dont understand how this can be anything unique. One would think everyone does this...thats why I believed it to be illegal, because I couldnt find any information or "watch these 10 great marketing sales tips!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Jibran
      I don't doubt your abilities as you do people share their experiences in videos or blogs they create. they learn things by doing it. might be possible u see a future video regarding the tactic that u used.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat H
    Seems like you have found a technique that works for you. I don't think you are doing anything illegal. People will either like what you offer, ignore it or block you. The risk of a block is extremely low if they are not feeling harassed.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    They say that it is not permitted and that there are limits.

    I assume that if you don't exceed their limits and that you target users well that you could do to a certain level. The only problem would probably be if you started generating complaints.
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  • Profile picture of the author Funtobesocial
    It is OK on a limited basis. Don't contact too many people/businesses at a time because Facebook will put a ban on your account.

    I know first hand I did it to contact some local businesses and got a 30 day ban from sending messages. I was not contacting that many people either maybe about 15 per day for about 3 days in a row and the next thing I knew my account had a ban.

    Since then the ban has been lifted, but I won't even contact people unless they contact me first now (accept friends) it's not worth the risk of losing my account.
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  • Profile picture of the author ladyboss
    It's the new wave to contact business prospects via Facebook chat. Many entrepreneurs are selling more through private messaging. It is quite legal and effective. It also helps to build stronger rapport with your potential clients. I like this much better than email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayKay Dowdall
    It's fine if you don't abuse it, or start using scripts to send automated messages. I've done the same thing with a great amount of success. I think it works well because most people get these messages on their cell phones and they feel more comfortable responding as if they were texting.

    Also, consider using Instagram as part of the same strategy, I've actually had better conversations via Instagram using the same approach.
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