5 techniques to increase the number of views on YouTube
What does YouTube require?
The YouTube SEO algorithm is almost as complex as Google's. Hundreds of factors are taken into account to define the positioning of a video. But some major elements are simple enough to define:
The title of the video
Keywords in description
The keywords chosen when put online
The duration of the video
The number of subscribers generated by the video
The likes/dislikes
Sharing on social networks
By knowing the key factors taken into account by Youtube for the referencing of videos, it is time to present 5 techniques that can allow you to increase the number of views of your videos
1. Make full descriptions
Google can see everything, hear everything, know everything ... So it is very important at first to write a very complete and extremely detailed description of your video. It's simple, the more you offer material to Google, the more it will understand the subjects treated in your videos, in order to reference them at best. Obviously, it is important to use the keywords matching the content of the video, in your description. A description of 200-300 words seems to be a good compromise between density and quality of content. It should be borne in mind that in a search, whether done on Youtube or Google, the description will appear in part. So it's important to nurture it, so that your content is referenced on the two biggest search engines developed by Google. Of course, do not forget to put links to your website, your social networks, and possibly to d Other videos hosted on your channel.
2. Optimize keywords
Just like description, keyword optimization is a very important point for SEO your video. Not only, keywords must be inserted in the title and description, but also in the "Keywords" box when uploading a video. These keywords will have added value on YouTube, but also on Google. Indeed, on some keywords, Google offers video content directly among the first results. When looking for videos of funny cats (despite them) with the keyword "LOL Cat", the search engine will understand that you are looking for videos and not 1500 words articles on the subject. To find interesting keywords , You can use tools such as Google Trends, but also do some research on keywords that interest you directly on Google. If video content appears in the first results, it is interesting to add that word to your selection.
3. Reaching out to communities
If all of your videos deal with relatively similar topics, it is interesting to reach communities that are interested in these topics. First through social networks, by sharing your videos with interested communities. Your videos talk about Marketing? Why not join groups linked to LinkedIn marketing and share with them on a topic covered in one of your videos? Among the communities still open to new experts, it may be interesting to join forums or specialized sites in a domain. By chatting and sharing with the community , your videos will have more views, and you can easily increase the number of subscribers. The integration of your videos on different sites / forums also helps to improve its SEO. Obviously, it is important not to spam this type of communities. You have to interact, discuss different topics, expose your expertise, comment on other posts ... Concretely, being active on these communities will give you a very focused visibility.
4. Push users to subscribe
For YouTube, two actions are paramount to define the interest of a video: Subscription and like on a video. It is therefore important to insert Call-To-Action in your videos. Push users to subscribe after seeing your video. It is possible to add "annotations" with a link to subscribe directly from the interface of modification of a video on YouTube. So, if your content interests and subscriptions result, YouTube will understand that your content is attractive enough to generate subscriptions. It will put more emphasis on your videos. If you watch videos of the biggest French Youtubeurs (Norman, Cyprien ...), you will see CTAs pushing users to subscribe, liker and comment the content. Signs that it is very important to integrate this technique when making your videos. The likes are a little less important than subscriptions, but they are still necessary to generate additional views thanks to better visibility. Interacting with your content is what Youtube is looking for to bring you forward!
5. Create playlists
Attracting an audience on your channel is one thing. Keeping it is another. It is important to organize a YouTube channel. Who would buy in a supermarket if the shelves were disorganized? And your channel must be also cut like rays, by thematic thanks to the system of playlists proposed by Youtube . This will give all the information (thanks to the keywords used in the title of the playlists) to the firm of Mountain View on the nature of your video, and will improve its SEO. By regularly updating your channel and interacting With your community, you can, with these tips, increase your brand's visibility on YouTube. You can see below a computer graphic highlighting the majority of the points taken into account by YouTube to classify the contents during a search.
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