Wow, Twitter is letting me feel so excited! Now I can feel why President Trump likes tweet so much..
Twiter is letting me feel so exciting recently! Now I can feel why President Trump likes tweet so much...
These days I have been trying social media like twitter,facebook,pinterest. I am a totally newbie.Before I ignored all of the social media stuff,thinking it just wasted time...From the end of last year,I changed my mind,feeling I had to try something new with social media and internet marketing,affiliate marketing...But I find I am not so passionate of learning new stuff as before...so I don't want to learn anything new,just use my intuition to get playing with facebook,pinterest,and twitter without learning anything:just posting some good posts on them and waiting for people following me,liking my post,engaging my post... The following is my result:
I spent my most time and effort on facebook,I post so many funny stuff,but until now I don't get any friends automatically,no likes,nothing from facebook....Pinterest gives me 12 followers.While I spent least time and energy on twitter,starting last week within less than 5 days,I get all most 70 followers and some likes and retweet...
So I feel twitter community is very friendly,easy to learn,easy to use,easy to get engaging...you can just use your instinct,you will always get followers,there is always some new followers popuping,make you feel so exciting!so addicting to it!It will produce some magic energy in your mind,your brain,your body, you would be producing strong desire and expectation:I want more followers...any new followers now?let me refresh my browser to see,see...and you would get to post new stuff on it,hoping to get new followers...the whole process would make you feel so exciting,let you feel you can not control yourself...
If you don't try it yet,I strongly suggest you try it,it is so simple,so easy and so effective to build your followers...For sure you will get the same feeling as mine...
Thanks for your attention to my post and have a nice day!
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