3 important YouTube marketing tips

29 replies
In order to grip the eyeballs of viewers you will need to implement my 3 step formula:

1. Write to solve, each video that you post should be value driven
2. Do your research before you post a video. Make sure that you do your keyword search to get an understanding of what is being searched.
3. Check out your analytics and use the data to build upon that
#important #marketing #tips #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author hsahadath
    Great tips. Thanks for sharing with us. Keywords are really important if you want to see your videos on the top. So selecting perfect keywords and attractive title is also crucial.
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  • Profile picture of the author luxazan
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Thanks i was making a lot of videos with no much value and my income its low .Now i will go on the route of solving problems
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  • Thank you for sharing the good tips, Keyword is most important for Any SEO, but sharing to social medial is easy way to receive more views,

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan93
    Excellent tips. I might add doing good on page SEO in the video description, usually a 400 word article with said keywords repeated to a maximum of four times.
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  • Profile picture of the author Archie M
    With the current age of socail media one platform can be used as lead generating tool for another platform. As an example you have a product and a video describing the product. You can promote your product in the video which you upload in youtube and then use this video to promote your video in other channels like facebook, instagram, etc. If your video is the product then also you can promote this in other social media channels. Key words are important but it limits you to that channel or SEO only. A mix of right keyword with right promotion in multiple channels is what I feel is essential as well.
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  • Here are some Important YouTube marketing tips:
    • Generate curiosity with unique and original videos
    • Support customer research by using relevant keywords
    • Optimize your channel page to drive traffic
    • Keep your channel relevant to the topic
    • Brand your content and videos
    • Promote your videos on other platforms
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  • Profile picture of the author Nikos Gatzoulis
    These are indeed very good tips, even though they are quite generic.

    I am sure if people spend some of their time researching in depth your tips will definitely benefit in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Yes! Great tip! Especially the research part is what most people fail at. If you know exactly what kind of keyword you want to rank for and what kind of traffic this keyword will bring you, you already won!
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  • Profile picture of the author JennyRoberts
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Content is the most important part but you should also consider the quality of your video. It can be animated but it can also be simply neat but detailed.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
      Value , proper keyword usage along with relevant thumbnails helps to improve your rankings .
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  • Profile picture of the author zebek
    Very useful tips. I agree to the research part. Your research and contents are most important thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    Thanks for the share man. Providing value is always at the core of any successful business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
      When you provide value you open up the door for more dialogue between you and your prospect which eventually can lead to multiple sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eesha
    Originally Posted by Jamel Hassell View Post

    In order to grip the eyeballs of viewers you will need to implement my 3 step formula:

    1. Write to solve, each video that you post should be value driven
    2. Do your research before you post a video. Make sure that you do your keyword search to get an understanding of what is being searched.
    3. Check out your analytics and use the data to build upon that
    Always choose that title which has high search ranking. You can also use keywords in your title because mostly people search queries regarding your keywords
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  • Profile picture of the author joannc
    Thanks for this tips. Being consistent in publishing new videos is a struggle for me at this time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Yes content will help to get your video to the top of the search results.

    I always try and put 250 words of relevant content in the description area and at least 5 keyword
    (always including the title of the video as the first keyword).

    I have found this technique has put countless numbers of my videos not only on the first page of Youtube, but quite frequently on the first page of Google as well

    Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
      Valuable and consistent content. High searched keywords are a must and you can also put the link of the video as a keyword.

      Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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      • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
        I will run a test and put the link of my video as a keyword to see if my videos gain more traction.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobinCreamer
    Great Tips Thanks You So Much For Sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author gadislade
    wow! nice they are really useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Grace Taylor
    Thanks for these tips. Keyword are very very important for your videos to get featured on top. Also it's important to focus on quality of the video, because there are numerous videos for any topic. What will make a difference is the content and quality of your video. It will increase your subscribers and likes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    It is a pleasure Grace Taylor.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlfredHurley
    thnks for sharing these usfull tips.am planning to start my own youtube channel so this will be perfect idea for me.:>)
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  • Thanks Jamel Hassell..I am going to follow these tips for my channel also.,,.
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