How to grow a YouTube channel

44 replies
Well I've tried to make YouTube channels and I always gave up because I never had the equipment, at the moment I have a YouTube channel named rob toao and I currently record with my phone and edit. I know it's not the best but I'm saving money for better equipment and recording software, even though everyone tells me it's stupid Idc because YouTube is fun and I can be myself and do my crazy shit
#channel #grow #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    The best thing to do is to start. A good person to follow when it comes to building a Youtube channel is someone like Gary Vaynerchuk. If you haven't started following him as yet, then you need to start like right now.

    What he says is that you should focus on putting out good content. In the beginning, you don't worry too much about the equipment. If you are putting out good content and the people who find it thinks that it's valuable they will forgive you for the equipment you're using. When you channel starts growing, and you start making money, then you could use that money to get better equipment.

    In fact, when Gary himself was starting he said that he had the worst equipment. Now he has hundreds of thousands of followers and better equipment.

    Just get started and take action. When you do take action, you'll be able to see what works and focus more on that.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Well Youtube is very versatile and you need to ask yourself what actually you want to put in front of the viewers. You dont always need good equipment, you can start with cheaper and affordable ones too and upgrade them later on.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    The thing its about content you offer and not the light and voice etc .If you offer good information videos your channel will grow and you will make money and after that you can invest in equipment
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  • Profile picture of the author JennyRoberts
    think of an interesting content, try also optimizing your video and share to your other social media sites. For now, just go with what you have. You'll have your new equipment once your vid got paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clarence Chan
    Here are a few tips:
    1. Get your audience to engage with your video
    One way is using YT cards. Here's a link from YT to show you how you can create cards. You can use cards to create polls, for example.
    2. Plan and script your videos
    You can put any random stuff into your videos, but you don't want to waste your audience's time hearing you repeat yourself or make mistakes. You also waste time editing if you don't have a script.
    3. Keep your videos short
    The top YT videos are on average 2 mins 54 sec. This may change through time but I reckon not by much. So keep your videos to under 5 minutes.
    4. Have an intro and/or outtro for your videos
    If you can, create and intro and/or outtro and use it for all your videos. It catches the viewer's attention and helps in branding yourself. Don't know how to create one? Go to Fiverr and get someone who can do it and pay $5 or so for the gig.
    5. Make sure your video description is optimized
    Your video description plays a big part in how people find your videos organically, so give careful thought of what you. But make your description sounds natural without overusing your main keyword.
    6. Interact with your viewers
    Respond to comments, answer questions from viewers. Even if someone comments some crap, respond with class. Your other viewers will stand up for you and respect you more.
    And finally, this last step doesn't grow your YT channel but it does help grow your email list.
    7. Link to your website
    Many marketers' websites will have a squeeze page as their home page, exit pop-up or somewhere. Here's an opportunity to build your email subscriber list while building your video subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    I use my mobile phone to record on YouTube too.
    Your first objective should be to create quality video content (content that solves problems).Implement a good solid keyword search program into your program.You might also want to build your content around yourvaudience.use your data metrics as guagevto get a better understanding of your Audience and video performance metrics.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Ask for Subscribers. The simplest way to begin increasing your subscriber count is to start asking for it in your videos. Never assume that your viewer can read your mind. In your videos, give your audience a compelling call to action and ask them to click the "Subscribe" button right above your video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Underxman
    Almost every youtube I follow today, that started in the early days, used nothing more other than a phone to record or sometimes a webcam. Start small because there only way to go from there is up, i.e improve.

    Premium webhosting Superfast hosting with SSD servers starting from just $1/month.

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  • one of the biggest tips, you have created a unique video. If you copy any video then your channel will be suspended. At present youtube marketing easy but you have the unique constant. And create a video and do some SEO on your youtube link. Or if you don't an idea you can watch some tutorial.
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  • Go for a nice camera and a tripod stand. Your videos should be steady. Make your content original but interesting.... Make your videos short.....
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  • Profile picture of the author mettepoulson
    Plan your scripts in adance. Keep everything within your reach. Most important go for nice equipments. Good videos will attract more audience.
    Post your links on other social media platforms as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    your main goals should be to provide valuable video content. Focus on the basic concepts first .
    1 give value
    2 ad custom thumbnail
    3 use your key word in your title and description
    Keep it simple .
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Clarence Chan has made some good points especially number 6:

    Using content.

    I always make sure to write an article related to my video up to 250 words.

    This helps to bring many of my videos to the top of the Youtube search list.

    I also use this helps you to create 20 key words for any youtube video you wish to upload and having the right keywords can help bring a ton of visitors to your video

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  • Profile picture of the author anexplore
    Upload high quality unique content and after everything, depend on Google Algorithms. Because you cant sure that your video will come on trending topic. Do some seo for you uploaded video link.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mario Cristopher

    Youtube grew a very competitive environment lately. Most of the time, it's just having the right videos at the right time.

    However, there are factors that could help your channel grow. One thing is to know your target demographics and try to market your channel to them. Youtube also has a certain algorithm and it's best that you aim to accomplish their requirements so your videos will take priority in their tranding lists.

    Thank you.
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    • Profile picture of the author levandau
      In fact, online marketers are all trying and testing every sneaky SEO ranking tactic. However, did you known that it is time for us stopping building backlinks and rank websites? Videos now are rank much better than websites and gain traffic that converts tenth times better since people like to buy watch a video.

      But the problem is that just like Google, in recent years, there are so many of videos are uploaded on Youtube every day that make it literally impossible for us to rank our videos on first spot. Good news for you that today I want to show you new software which will give you an unfair advantage to rank videos at highest place on Youtube and Google.

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  • Profile picture of the author DeciBoy13
    How to grow a youtube channel


    Don't worry about having fancy equipment.

    Make good use of what you already have - natural sunlight, cell phone, head phones for mic, beautiful smile, youtube for "how to" tutorials.

    Just make sure that you continue to be your true authentic self. People can sniff out a fake or copycat in a heart beat.

    The same person you are in real life, be that same person when you're shooting your videos.

    People want what's real, not something thats scripted or robotic.

    Happy Video Marketing :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Alfred
    If you want to be a successful YouTuber, you must have an interesting content and you also need to be patient. All YouTube content creators started with small subscribers, don't be discouraged that you don't have thousands of followers. You just need to be passionate in creating your content. To attract more viewers, hold contests (like free giveaways) aimed at them. The more you make your channel about your viewers, the more your fan base will grow and the stronger your brand will become!
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  • Profile picture of the author Isabella
    Originally Posted by anexplore View Post

    Upload high quality unique content and after everything, depend on Google Algorithms. Because you cant sure that your video will come on trending topic. Do some seo for you uploaded video link.
    Originally Posted by DeciBoy13 View Post

    How to grow a youtube channel


    Don't worry about having fancy equipment.

    Make good use of what you already have - natural sunlight, cell phone, head phones for mic, beautiful smile, youtube for "how to" tutorials.

    Just make sure that you continue to be your true authentic self. People can sniff out a fake or copycat in a heart beat.

    The same person you are in real life, be that same person when you're shooting your videos.

    People want what's real, not something thats scripted or robotic.

    Happy Video Marketing :-)
    Is making good and unique content even enough on YouTube right now? There's been a lot of changes in YouTube with their new AI that judges which videos should be monetized and not, it's been tough to actually earn money on the site. There's been a lot of videos that have been flagged as not friendly for advertisers and demontized even when the content was about dogs.

    Message me about WarriorForum!

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    press releaese with crazy newsworthy stuff.

    also integrate and link - like this -- INSTA <> FB <> YOUTUBE

    keep linking back and forth, for good results.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahsanhabibcx
    If you want that your blog post to be ranked higher in the search engine. As Google ranks website according to 10 algorithms, you should optimize your blog post according to Google algorithm. That's mean they be properly optimized. A blog post should contain the minimum of word 300.But Google likes long articles. If a content contains 1000 words, it's better not the best.
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  • Great post! Here are some of my intakes to grow your YouTube Channel:

    Tip #1: Create quality content
    Tip #2: Brand your YouTube channel
    Tip #3: Use branded thumbnails in your videos
    Tip #4: Use custom links to create a highly visible 'subscribe to channel' link
    Tip #5: Link your associated website or blog
    Tip #6: Promote your videos on other social and content platforms
    Tip #7: Create a compelling channel trailer video
    Tip #8: Make sure your videos are well formatted before showing them off

    To warp up, it starts with creating high-quality, useful and compelling video content.

    Create as much awesome content as you can.

    Marketing and promotion, of course, plays a huge role if you really want to grow your YouTube audience quickly!

    It will help you get more eyeballs on your videos, thus help you to increase your YouTube channel subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author MidelSunRise
    you can find mnay tips oh how to grow your channel on youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author Umangpharma
    Take a paid plan on youtube. B2B video its a quit diffuclt to increase the crowd on youtube channel.
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  • Quality, quality blah blah... that's true but there is tons and tons of channels that totally sucks, people just talking shit and they have thousands, millions of subscribes. That's really tough to explain. I don't think there is any rule what to do to make it. I saw channels that only have 4 videos recorded by mobile, barely edited, nothing to say and they have like 90k subs...
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  • Profile picture of the author rfharris
    I just take a look at your channel and it has only two videos with hardly any views. Have you gave up working on youtube? It is a struggle for almost every youtube at the start because it takes time to build audience and subscribers and once your have good number of subscribers you are pretty much all good so be patient and keep on working.
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  • Profile picture of the author John47
    Here's a post from Matthew Woodward's blog entitled:
    'How to Get more Views, Comments, Likes with this
    YouTube Hack'.

    Hope it helps.
    Internet Marketing Cheapest Deals on Software and Tools - Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author habib tuhin
    Optimze your video and share it social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teras Consulting
    Upload new videos regularly, and preferably on a schedule. If your audience comes to expect a new video every Tuesday, they'll look forward to Tuesdays! When you upload a new video, those who have subscribed to your channel will receive a notification
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  • Profile picture of the author eluminousva
    Whenever you upload the video, at the end of video conversations in a way that is memorable. Ask for a subscription for YouTube channel, put a right call to action at the end of the video.There should be consistency in uploading videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rhadoo7
    1. Create AMAZING videos
    2. Have great titles that attract attention but which are also optimized for search queries
    3. Have eye-catching thumbnails
    4. Post a detailed video description and great tags
    5. Get involved in discussions on other channels in your niche. Post interesting and useful comments that may become the "Top Comment" and also try to help others
    6. Be may take a long time until you become really successful
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  • Ohh and remember to have good SOUND! I know thats obvious but that's common affliction. So many people have great content and lot of great ideas to say but poor sound quality makes their videos unpleasing to watch.
    Most common mistake is when people record in their office or bedroom they disregard reverberation. Make sure to aviod that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    focus on creating videos that solve the issues of your audience first. equipment can help as far as the quality of the videos but it is not as important as the value that you give .
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahbfoster
    thanks for sharing the best i get some idea about it..
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikaela Pierre
    As what i always suggest, it is very important to be consistent especially if you're aiming to be a YouTuber. Engage to your audience by asking them what they want to see on your channel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malthus Butler
    Get a fan base. This is so important because you are establishing loyal subscribers. These loyal subscribers could be the ones who will help you reach success in the YouTube industry
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  • Profile picture of the author Herewegoagain
    Hey Rob,

    You might find this video answers some or all of your concerns....

    Kind Regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author jameswilliams987
    Here are Some Step You Can Use and You Will Definitely Get More Subscribers On Youtube.

    1. Follow the 1Ã--4 content schedule
    2. Stop talking. Start delivering.
    3. Promote your YouTube channel on Facebook Groups
    4. Promote with Subreddit

    Thank You
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  • Profile picture of the author newlooksales
    1.Let cards and end screens do the work. Use cards and end screens to encourage your viewers to take an action.
    3.Keep your channel fresh with uploads and playlists. ...
    4.Search and discovery on YouTube. ...
    5.Make effective thumbnails and titles. ...
    6.Write smart descriptions.
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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinkzTopper
    Promote your youtube channel in all social media accounts.
    If you have a huge followers in Insta,Fb or twitter just share your videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Helping folks thru your videos Rob and making friends by commenting genuinely on videos in your niche is the starting point to success on YouTube. If you do things right, with the right energy, you'll become pretty darn successful without snazzy tools. All about being genuine, helpful and building a tribe.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author prolinkedin
    ad custom thumbnail
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  • Profile picture of the author portablesys
    Here i will give you the simple and easy ways/tips through which you can easily grow your youtube channel.
    Don't waste your time trying to get someone who never watches YouTubers to watch you
    Comment on other users' channels
    Comment on recently-uploaded videos
    Comment on other users' comments
    Use that description box
    Use tags, words, and phrases that people will search
    Stick to a thumbnail theme
    Make your thumbnail speak
    Resources you should know about
    Reelio and Famebit
    Jingle Punks
    Tube Filter and Video Ink
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    Actually in here or in youtube main thing is content, if your content is eye catchy and attractive to the target audience then which devices are uses for recording video that is doesn't matter, audience will welcome it very nicely. But good recording device is helpful for more clear video than phone video and sound too.

    And, there are lots of ways to promote your video like:
    -Sharing video in different social media sites.

    -Reddit works well for this.
    These sites are might be helpful for grow your channel with audience.
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