Top tips for LinkedIn?

36 replies
Hi all,

I want to grow the following for my business page on LinkedIn but everything I've tried so far hasn't worked very well.....

Any suggestions for ways to increase your following (organically)?

Thanks in advance
#linkedin #tips #top
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Can you answer what all have you tried so far?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      Posting quality content, promoting it on other social media accounts, encouraging people to follow us etc., all that kind of stuff really
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      • Profile picture of the author ryanalexender
        • Do Email marketing to increase followers.
          Make Profile on using your linkedin page
          Make Presentation share on slide share.
          Connect other social media accounts.
          Promote your Linkedin article content using blog commenting.
          share on sccotit, symbaloo, reddit, stumbleupon, google plus communities, facebook group, twitter.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11165868].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
          Thanks for your input! I already do most of that but I'll try the rest
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  • Profile picture of the author Rahatvin Oli
    LinkedIn can be the best tool for building your brand. ... are the highlights of my LinkedIn advice from previous articles, along with additional tips ...
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  • Profile picture of the author hnrindani
    Here it goes:

    1. Make a strong Profile. Look at the example that follows at the end.
    2. As per the topic of interest, share some interesting piece of content on the wall and if you have something even better, share it on pulse.
    3. Use filters to search relevant people and add them. Make sure to add a note while asking for a connection and state your reason to connect.
    4. Keep interacting on posts that interests you. Necessarily share insights / inputs. Don't be spammy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11165891].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      Thanks but is that not more for a personal account? It's a business account I need advice for
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  • Originally Posted by Mol@Shortlist View Post

    Hi all,

    I want to grow the following for my business page on LinkedIn but everything I've tried so far hasn't worked very well.....

    Any suggestions for ways to increase your following (organically)?

    Thanks in advance
    Don't be hurry when you are optimizing Linkedin Profile. First you should know it that this is a professional network and it will take time to expand.

    Following are the few things you need to follow up when you are optimizing profile:

    1 - Create a Complete Profile

    2 - Put all the information in Company Page

    3 - Design a good cover photo for your company page.

    4 - Post interesting and informative content on regular basis

    5 - Join on different linkedin groups and share the content

    6 - Promote your company page by creating backlinks for the particular page.

    Hope above points will help to optimize your LinkedIn Company Page properly.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      Brill, thanks i'll have to try 5 & 6 (I already do the rest )
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    • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
      Originally Posted by ConvisorTechnology View Post

      Don't be hurry when you are optimizing Linkedin Profile. First you should know it that this is a professional network and it will take time to expand.

      Following are the few things you need to follow up when you are optimizing profile:

      1 - Create a Complete Profile

      2 - Put all the information in Company Page

      3 - Design a good cover photo for your company page.

      4 - Post interesting and informative content on regular basis

      5 - Join on different linkedin groups and share the content

      6 - Promote your company page by creating backlinks for the particular page.

      Hope above points will help to optimize your LinkedIn Company Page properly.
      Linkedin groups are still working?
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  • Profile picture of the author jeandevenish
    (Beside everything written here) Posting a job is one of the fastest ways of getting followers for a LinkedIn Business Page.

    Hope it helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      Like a "We're hiring" kind of thing?

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      • Profile picture of the author jeandevenish
        Yes, you have that option to Post a Job Offer, not a generic one.

        You can use it, be sure to have a nice business profile before, so when people sees it, they will like to follow to be pending on future offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanalexender
    yes, Linkedin basically designed for professional, We can not say it is a traditional social media in proper way it is professional media ...
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  • Profile picture of the author richardZ
    Linkedin is one of best professional platforms to grow following of the business page. But for that you should have to keep some points in the mind which are listed below:
    1. Create company page with company logo and Company Page link to your Website.
    2. Invite people through your individual profile by giving small introduction about your company/business.
    3. Post status update (if any) of your business, its products on LinkedIn.
    4. Also regularly update status/information on your individual LinkedIn profile which is matched with your business niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      Brill, thanks!

      I'll try sending out invitations to it from my personal account...
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  • Profile picture of the author zebek
    Create a nice and complete profile. Add an attractive cover photo.
    Keep posting regularly.
    Make sure that you keep on growing your connections.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChicagoRELawyer
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  • Profile picture of the author sajiwisoft
    LinkedIn is one of the best professional platforms to build brands or businesses. To increase followers on your business page, you need to follow certain steps to achieve visibility and virality. Firstly, create a strong profile page, enter your company's information and design a good cover photo/logo. Next, you can post some interesting and informative content on a regular basis. Share the content with different groups and promote the page by creating backlinks. Always share insights/inputs and interact on posts that interest you. You can also post jobs and search for relevant people to add them. Add a note by stating a reason for the connect. Lastly and most importantly, don't post spam on your page.
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  • Profile picture of the author wondercoder
    1: Engage your employees. ...
    2: Promote the page outside the company. ...
    3: Add a "Follow" button to your website. ...
    4: Take part in LinkedIn Groups.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
      Watch the video about Linkedin on Michael Koehler`s youtube channel.
      You will learn a simple technique to get more followers instantly.

      I would recommend to post content often and to engage with people.
      Get attention to your business.

      Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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    • Profile picture of the author Mol@Shortlist
      1.) None of our employees really use social media (except for the occasional use of LinkedIn)
      2.) As in sharing it on other social media sites?
      3.) We're just having a new website built so hopefully there will be one on there
      4.) Thanks you, I will join some.

      Thanks for the input
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  • Profile picture of the author KathyBrown
    posting good content ,promoting it on social media and encouraging peoples can be a good tip..
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  • Profile picture of the author jameswilliams987
    Here are Some Step You Can Use and You Will Definitely Get Lot Of Followers on LinkedIn Page.

    1. Personalize Your Connection Requests.
    2. Showcase Page Followers.
    3. Write about relatable topics.
    4. Improve the Visibility of Your Company Profile.
    5. Include your LinkedIn page's URL in your Email signature.

    Thank You
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin evans
    Well, there are multiple platforms where you can increase your followers. You can join the relevant groups and share quality content. Try to educate them about your business and how it can a solution to the problem try to share engaging and compelling content so that it can help you to get potential customers and generate leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    One problem could be you are targeting the wrong group of audience you are trying to help.

    Good to always test and learn along the way
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  • Profile picture of the author mixergrinder
    These are really a great tips for LinkedIn. Am very happy to see all the tips in a single post.
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  • Profile picture of the author acnescars
    LinkedIn is one of my favorite source of all. And here i have learnt lots of new things which i am not aware of.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samsungtab
    I am using LinkedIn for so many years now, it is totally designed for the professionals. So, you can not expect like other basic social medias.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slim Karaaslan
    I honestly didn't read ALL the posts just the top few.

    My 2 cents here, will be that..
    LinkedIn seems to have a user-base more interested in new jobs. I think posting a job offer, would be the best approach. It will at least have people following, and inquiring. Possibly engaging with your content too.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Help people help people and help people on LI.

    Comment on updates.

    Join Groups; answer questions and sharing your knowledge through these groups.

    Share other LI user's content on your profile.

    The more freely you give on LI the more freely you get.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author zeeko85
    Company pages don't typically gain a lot of traction for lead generation. They tend to be used more often by larger businesses for company updates, HR, PR, hiring, etc. I'd recommend you work on your personal account's following by connecting with individuals who appreciate what you do and starting genuine B2B relationships with them. People appreciate the personal connection and you can message them directly any time.
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  • Profile picture of the author zeeshan786
    Here are 13 top tips to effectively boost your LinkedIn profile.
    1. Must Do: Keep Your Profile Basics Updated!
    2. Only Use Professional Photos
    3. Brand Your Profile With a Background Photo
    4. Write a Ridiculously Good Summary
    5. Terminate Those Typos
    6. Use Keywords With Intent
    7. Neat Trick: Pick the "Other" Website Option
    8. Personalize Your LinkedIn Profile URL
    9. Own Your Media
    10. Add Shiny New Sections to Your Profile
    11. Tidy Up Your Endorsements
    12. Connect With People You Don't Yet Know
    13. Personalize Invitations to Connect
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  • Profile picture of the author Joy Reader Saxey
    You can try

    This site allows you to link up with other people like you who want to grow their Linkedin Profile. So you put your name on the list of people willing to accept requests and you get a list of others who are accepting connections. It is a social media sharing site. Win Win
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  • Profile picture of the author HerbertMendez
    LinkedIn is all about making connections, from individuals you know personally to individuals you wish you knew. With the platform now topping half a billion users in more than 200 countries, it's the clear leader among social media for connecting with B2B prospects, potential hires and business partners.
    Follow these 9 tips to grow your network in an appropriate, useful way.

    1. Personalize Your Connection Requests
    2. Follow Up
    3. Set Monthly Growth Goals
    4. Post Often
    5. Use Images
    6. Engage With Existing Connections
    7. Promote Your LinkedIn URL on Other Social Channels
    8. Leverage Keywords in Your Profile
    9. Publish Articles
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    LinkedIn is very useful social site for professionals, so there are some ideas which are very useful to get more followers:
    -Add credential and send messages who do you want to connect with.
    -Follow other so you can get follow from other ( old trick but works)
    -Engage with the audience with different post.
    -Share image about your product or service
    -Share nice post with different social media which can grab more people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexben25
    Use these Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Connection.

    1. Install the LinkedIn Follow Button on Your Website
    2. Post More Job Openings
    3. Get Your Staff and Co-Workers to Share Your Updates
    4. Fill Out Your Company Profile From A to Z

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