How to Get More Free and Organic Youtube Views and Subscribers?

19 replies
Hello Everyone,

I am starting a new youtube channel for my product, I want to get more organic views and subscribers on my channel, but I don't really know how.

I am here for suggestions, please tell me the right way to promote my channel.

Thanks in advance.
#free #organic #subscribers #views #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Before starting anything, you shall not ask for suggestions. Best would be to start things and then go ahead and ask for more advice and suggestions
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
      Man, just roll the freaking channel, and promote that thing over social media, create a website, and educate yourself, do whatever it takes, there is no magic solution. You can succeed, imagine yourself with 500.000 subscribers!

      Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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    • Profile picture of the author pokemamut
      Use an app. We are using "Boost Viral" app and we get hundreds of views from real users.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayden Johnson
    Hi Guys,

    I have a lot of experience in this area having worked with a number of channels to grow their subscriber-base.

    I agree, no magic solution but definite ways to grow fast!

    If it's quick-fire tips you're after:
    - Use longtail keywords, i.e. long titles. So to the guy who mentioned he has a fitness channel, don't use the title "how to get abs" because there are 100000000 videos of this nature which are run by huge personal brands AND corporate entities. You won't rank. If you type in the Youtube search bar, it'll provide suggestions, look for the LONGEST variations of the video you want to make. These will be less competitive.

    - Create timeless content. Don't make videos that will be searched today and forgotten tomorrow. So again, the health niche. If there's some weird diet that looks like a fad, or something pointless like "dad bod"... that lasted, what 2 months? Now no one is searching that so only the people that rank highly benefit from these trends because they get the first clicks. You want to create content that will be searched for 2, 3, 6, 7 years from now. That's where you'll get a constant stream of income and subs.

    - Do your videos in a listed format if you're providing info or tips... don't be generic like "today I'll talk about how to shred fat" (sorry, just took the health niche and ran with it!). Say "Stick around for 5 tips on shredding fat". People will know exactly how your video is broken down and they'll have an expectation of receiving 5 pieces of info (doesn't have to be 5). So they know that the video will end after the last point, rather than if you just talk they don't have any way to divide up the info mentally beforehand and it makes your content unorganized so people won't watch as long.

    - Respond to comments! Actually... ask for comments first! If you're new you probably won't get that many. But always ask people their opinions on whatever your vid is about. Or post the first comment and people will respond. People like talking to the content creator directly.

    - Collaborate. This is more when you have a few subs but this helps a lot. Opens you up to a wider audience. Only reach out to people of similar niche and size!

    Hope this helps, my friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author anexplore
    Select YouTube Trending Topic and Make some unique Video. It might help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
    Originally Posted by popguard View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I am starting a new youtube channel for my product, I want to get more organic views and subscribers on my channel, but I don't really know how.

    I am here for suggestions, please tell me the right way to promote my channel.

    Thanks in advance.
    Use the most popular keywords and syndicate your videos. Don`t forget the valuable content and call to action.

    Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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  • Profile picture of the author zebek
    There is very nice explanation given in following article.
    It helped me a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandrabarnes
    give a trending topic and video content so that you can get more views and more subscribers..
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  • Profile picture of the author mz milon
    First you crate a facebook fan page and group related your youtube channel,Then you share your youtube video link on fb page and group,there you write a caption subscribe and drop the link,it is the best way for you to increase your view and subscribe,
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  • Profile picture of the author AlfredHurley
    try to give a trending keywords and content so that you can get many views
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  • Profile picture of the author Elviravaldes
    very good explanation dude...very informative..
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Jones
    YouTube possesses its own search engine that beats all other search engines. If you see, by dominating SERP in Google search; this is one of the powerful search engines that can be used for pulling traffic organically.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearion
    When you do have a good quality content, subscribers will just eventually grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Manoj Bhardwaj
    just share your youtube channel on relevant persons who wants to see your videos
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  • Profile picture of the author itsmefox
    make sure to seo your videos with IQ
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  • Profile picture of the author ashiqsmi
    Create unique and high-quality content. And now share your video on social media. Join the relevant community then share your video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elna R Wiley
    upload a good content for your video and try to share your link in all social that you can able to get many views like and subscriber ...and also you can easily grow your channel..
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  • Profile picture of the author techwiiz
    Choose a Short, Descriptive Channel Name
    Include Relevant Keywords in the Description
    Fill in Additional Details (Choose an icon that represents your brand, upload an attractive cover photo and fill out your profile and Link to Your Channel on Your Website)
    Include a channel link on your website to let your fans know about your YouTube presence.
    Embed YouTube videos on the website
    Upload Videos Regularly
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  • Profile picture of the author etdigital1

    If you Think to start Youtube Channel then do it. please look at this points
    1) Your Youtube Channel Niche is most Important for you
    2) Focus on Video quality
    3) Upload consistent videos on your channel.
    4) No duplicate Use of Video.
    5)Make Sure video look like genuine and relevant to your audience.

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    Nowadays youtube is a great platform for show & watch a videos, so your idea can be works here. There are lots of methods exist which are really effective for making more views and subscriber, such as:

    -Make a nice plan for your video, and make it informative too, so that audience can get a clear message about your product.
    -Totally avoid copy content from others.
    -Highly engaging videos can bring more traffic.
    -Frequency of uploading videos is important, consistency of video can be more helpful here.
    -Title of the video should be interesting so that people eagerly watch videos.
    -Thumbnail is very important here, so more attractive thumbnails can bring more traffic.
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