Did Instagram Nerf Mass Following Strategy?

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I've reached 13,000 followers on Instagram by mass following people everyday, getting some to follow me back. With all these new updates I've noticed that this strategy is not really working. I can follow 200 people and only a couple will follow me back. Did they fix this or are they on to me? I am not shadow banned because I show up on tags and stuff.

Let me come clean. Before I used software to follow and unfollow people (adding pending actions so it does these things over time and not all at once), I did it by hand. This means I would follow people until I got a small ban for like 1 hour to stop me from following so many people. Now I find that I can follow as many people as I want but do not generate the same results.

I have over 300 posts and good engagement. I want to keep growing giving my fans great content.
#instagram #mass #nerf #strategy

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