5 tricks of targeting in Facebook

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# 1: Customer Interests

On Facebook, you can target an audience that already has an interest in a product in your category. This is interest targeting, although it is often confused with targeting "likes". For example, if you have an online store for the sale of computer accessories, select the field "Technology - Computers" and then all the spare parts that you sell (hard drives, monitors, processors, etc.)

The menu has thousands of interests for targeting - from business to fitness - which are the settings of your advertising campaign.

# 2: Look for buyers according to their behavioral patterns

Our online behavior can tell a lot about our intentions. And our purchasing power as well.

You can target people who perform certain actions. For example, go to work from the suburbs or returned from a trip. And even for those who returned from the trip a week ago.

This feature is available in the settings in the Behavior section.

# 3: Combine the age and gender with the location of the users

Demographic data is generated based on the information specified by users when creating a Facebook account: age, gender, city of residence. Targeting by geography can also help in choosing the level of income, because different cities have different levels of life.

# 4: Industry or employment targeting

For products or services that are ideally suited to people in a particular field of activity, you can use industry / scope / specifics as a targeting method. For example, lawyers.

# 5: Filters by level of education and degree

An excellent targeting method is the level of education, the scientists of the region and many other similar parameters. The method includes graduates of universities, doctors of sciences and people who studied something specific.

Education is a subcategory of Demography.
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