video views vs brand awareness objective. which is best ?

by bflo
5 replies
I want to set up a brand awareness campaign by using video as ad format.
Which objective is best - brand awareness or video views?

#awareness #brand #objective #video #views
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  • Profile picture of the author cxalbatross
    I went with brand awareness because it is a better option than video views. Video views are also a good option but brand awareness make more impact. With brand awareness, you have many platforms to set up a brand awareness campaign like social media. It is a big platform for brand awareness. You can share attractive blog posts, give some rewards to your followers, providing incentives like discounts or free products, create a campaign or a contest that is interesting enough for your followers to get involved in. These techniques will help you to set up a brand awareness campaign.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialmedia20
    I prefer brand awareness rather than Video Views. Only video views can not make impressions for brand awareness. You will have do social media campaigning to promote your brand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geekschip
    Instead of Brand Awareness, I prefer to go with Video Views because if we go with Video Views, the reach more will be more and people interaction will be high in the form of likes, sharing and engagement through commenting.

    If the video is around below 15 secs, then you can have the option for non stoppable ads, it is also an added advantage through video views.

    So, according to me Video Views is the good, better and the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinkzTopper
    Brand Awareness is better according to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author NickLenihan
    Based on what you've said, you want to create a brand awareness campaign. Sounds like the brand awareness objective is what you're after.
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