So, what's wrong with Facebook's algorithm?

7 replies
Facebook recently sent me a "friend" suggestion.

They managed to suggest a person with whom I have absolutely nothing in common.

There is no reason why their algorithm should suggest this person, it makes no sense whatsoever. This person would be, by far, the most irrelevant and totally wrong "friend" suggestion anyone could come up with. Facebook succeeded in finding the one person I would never add as a friend.

They offered me a $20 coupon to "boost" my posts. I thought, why not, it's free; so I tried.

As a result of this "boost", I got a lot of clicks to my website. Every single one of them bounced.

My feeling is that the traffic they sent me was just about as targeted as their "friend" suggestion. That is, after I carefully and systematically selected the target audience...

Btw, the "friend" suggestion came after my $20 "boost" campaign, so all the target audience selection I made should have given them some sort of an idea about my interests and and the type of business I am involved in.

Yet, they were completely off target...

So, what's wrong with Facebook?
#algorithm #facebook #wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    This article on Gizmodo might help you understand how FB determines who to suggest as friends:

    How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
      This article on Gizmodo might help you understand how FB determines who to suggest as friends:

      How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met
      I don't necessary believe everything in the article you sent. My experience with Facebook has been the exact opposite.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Henry01
    There is not problem with the Facebook algorithm, friends suggested by our known friends sometime it suggest our friends list as suggestion.

    They have some by default features if you do not boost their post/Page according to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eunice21
    Maybe you have common friends that why.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shin Wilson
    The company is altering the algorithm that runs the news feed, which displays a computer-curated selection of posts from other users and Facebook pages. No longer will it prioritise "helping you find relevant content", says the site's founder, Mark Zuckerberg. The new goal is to help you "have more meaningful interactions".
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffrey Joson
    it just fb dont have enough data about you yet, that's all
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