Social media marketing as a rewards program

2 replies
I am wanting to create a rewards program for a local business. They have several followers/likes and is very active but no one checks in or really posts about them. I am trying to change that. I am wanting to find a program that tracks individual users. The idea is that in a given time frame, lets say 1 month, i want to see how many times a customer interacts with the page. Lets say a like is worth 1 point, a check in is worth 1 point, a tag is worth 2 points, a comment is worth 2 points and a share is worth 3 points. The points total up to rewards for the person. I don't care if this maybe is a more than 1 program kind of thing or if i even have to do the conversions myself, but the main thing is the tracking how how many times someone does something in a given time frame and that i can identify that person. Does that exist? If not is that something you all would use? because i will totally build it if i have to.
#marketing #media #program #rewards #social
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You asked a similar question recently but have expanded your 'plan' in this thread.

    Wanting to 'track' social media followers is a really bad idea in the current climate of 'privacy concerns' on FB - and probably would not serve your client well.

    The entire plan sounds convoluted and not very realistic to me - but I'm not a social media expert.
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    • Profile picture of the author davisre198
      No privacy concerns with this, it would literally just take the information it already shows you if you click on it but in a consolidated format so i don't have to click and log each post manually.
      Also the point of course is to grow and track local social engagement. Launching a campaign like this, if well tracked, would lead the 1000's more reached everyday without spending a dime "boosting" posts and making ads marketing to those who like the page and friends of those people.
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