How do you get your quote pictures to post on facebook?

by ncloud
5 replies
I know a lot of people post images with quotes on them on their facebook page. Where do you get these from?

Do you just do a google image search for something like "weight loss quote", and use the ones you like? Are you allowed to do that, or are they copy righted?

Do you have to take the quotes you like and put them on a different background pic? What are the rules?
#facebook #pictures #post
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahboyer
    You can use the tools for making your own quote. Because a unique quote is better for your Facebook Page.
    Have a nice journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaBrunson
    There are a lot of tools and software to create your own picture. Write your mind and edit your picture. Your quote will be unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author ncloud
    I rather just use good quotes that are already out there than have to take a bunch of time coming up with something new which isn't going to be as good anyway. That doesn't seem very easy to me.

    So what if you use quotes that are already out there, can you use them as is, or do you have to put them on your own backgrounds?

    What tools are you talking about - things like canva or picmonkey?
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  • Profile picture of the author buzzinteractive
    you can use canva for creating such images its a free tool
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  • Profile picture of the author LarbyDgtlGuru
    I make my own quote picture with Photoshop. I get ideas from google but never did copy paste post. If you want to do it professionally then go for an employee.
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